Friday 1 May 2009

Books <3

Today it's going to be all about books. I love them and I read as many of them as I possibly can. This is the book I'm currently reading. I just started reading it so I can't really tell you a lot of the story but basically it's about a woman who is after revenge and is willing to do anything to get it. It's interesting like all her books I've read this far. Like I said, I haven't read that much of the book yet so I don't really know, but at this moment my favourite one of her books is the one I already mentioned earlier - Karen Rose - Die For Me.

If you don't like murder mysteries then you probably shouldn't read her books but I don't like to think about them like that. It's just like with music. I don't want to think about it like "it's rap so I can't possibly like it" or what ever. I just want to read anything and everything :) I don't know a lot of people who like reading and so there is no one I can talk to about it or explain about some good book, even though B tries to stay interested while I go on and on about something, so it's good that I can write about it here :)

I also absolutely LOVE Stephen King books and I have read quite a few of them and I have to say that Stephen King - It is one of the most horrible books I've read but also one of the best. And all of his books are better than the movies! You get to use your own imagination and sit somewhere alone in the dark and it somehow sucks you in and you can't put the book down and .. It's just something so good, it's getting hard to explain. There is this thing we do with B. We take a shower and get into bed early (NOT like that you little perverts!) and we get our books out and read until usually B falls asleep with his book on his face :) He had a book which was like 600 pages long and it was about some warriors in a fantasy land or something like that, things boys like to read about, and after a long time he finally finished it and I thought that is the end of that nice reading-time together but No! B wants a new one! Jippii! :) In his defence, he did work LOOOONG hours and was very tired at the end of the night.

I think the In thing for this summer should be picking up a good book and heading for the park or a nice quiet place where you can completely lose yourself in the story. Work, relationships, financial issues and all those things that bring stress into our lives bring us down but when you pick up that book that makes you smile and feel good, all those issues seem to disappear for that moment and your mind and body can relax. I know that is what I'm going to do this summer, along with all the other things I want to do, like go camping and fishing and go on a holiday :) Have a very nice incoming weekend!

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