Saturday 30 May 2009

Huyton <3

I must apologize for not updating my blog for so many days. I've been an emotional wreck and also very busy since B wanted to make me happy and came up with stuff to do to cheer me up.

So yesterday we went up to Huyton to see B's sister Lorna, along with B's parents, his nan and his other sister Lynette. We took the train from Town centre because it takes only something like 30 minutes and on the bus it's more like 1,5 hours.. We had never been up there before and it ended up being a very nice day as well so it really helped me to take my mind of the other stuff. It was nice to see where B's sister and her family lives and we will definitely go back up there when we get the chance :)

Here you have some pictures of our little trip to Huyton..

Nice "little" church :)
Pretty little park :)
Same pretty little park :)
Closed down pub that looked really nice on the outside :)
B's sister Lynette with Lorna's new baby Cale :)
Lorna's first born son John-Paul with his little scooter :)
Here is my BooBoo eating a well earned ice cream. He was on the South Beach diet with me for 4 whole days! I'm still on the diet even though I did eat something I wasn't supposed to but I made up for it .. He even bought John-Paul an ice cream. This was taken outside the shoe shop B's mother and sister were in :)

After that we went down another street and I found a shop E would go crazy for! It is full of things she would want to buy for her future home :) I only had time to take a picture at the door but already I saw something pretty :) One day I'll go back to that shop and show you more pictures :)

I wish you could see all the pretty things I saw there that day. Unfortunately I still don't have my dream camera so I couldn't take "the perfect picture" which would show you everything in detail in the other picture, now you can mainly see blur.. The walls were covered in pretty pretty paintings and pictures! I so want to go back there and spend a fortune I don't have :)

After all the shops and Ice cream for B and John-Paul, we went to B's sister's house. They have a nice garden and as the sun came out and the air got hot, we sat outside with the kids and had a cup of tea. I didn't, but others did :) Baby Cale just had his first birthday and so he was passing time in his brand new baby swing. Until he got bored an hour later and went inside :)

One of the highlights of the day for B was the engagement present we got from his nan. A bit late, but we weren't in England when we announced our engagement and we never really had a party in England to celebrate it so she took a moment then to celebrate us :) Here is B's new pride and joy!

As soon as my diet ends, B will have to make us some milkshakes and fruit smoothies :) It would be even nicer if we had a garden to drink them in but you can't have it all.. Now it's just sitting there waiting to be used :)

It was a very nice day and we had a lot of fun and I would tell you what we did today but it's almost 1.30 a.m now and B needs to go to work tomorrow so I can't stay up all night :) To that remark,

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