Tuesday 5 May 2009

Rain <3

Beautiful Raindrop :)

Rain is beautiful and soothing and relaxing and .. Blaah Blaah Blaah. The truth is that rain is annoying, you can't go out without getting soaking wet and so you're stuck in the house all day unless you don't mind carrying a umbrella with you at all times. Maybe that's just England.We just finished the winter and it wasn't as rainy as I thought it would be. It was more cold than wet. So I guess we are getting all the wet now but that's OK since summer is just around the corner :) Not a B's corner, a REAL corner! You know what I mean <3

By the way, one night I was watching this program on TV. The City. That program about Whitney from The Hills who moved to New York and got her own show. Anyway, she ran into some boy trouble when her boyfriend was going on tour and didn't want to keep the relationship going while he was gone and she was sad about that and her boss Diane Von Furstenberg gave her some advice. Now this is the advice she gave her.

'Absence to love is like wind to fire.
If the fire is small, the wind kills it.
If the fire is big, the wind intensifies it.'

I actually thought those kind of things only got said in the movies but I guess the stories and all have to come from some real people so :) That is so true and happened with B and I. Hmm. Isn't it funny how life and love always seems to find its way somehow even if you've already lost all hope ? Sounds kind of cheesy but all you really need is people in you life who love you and someone who you can love back. And money of course! Hah. Do you wake up every morning feeling like there is something missing ? Have you ever thought that might me something else than what you can buy from the shop ?

I can't help but smile when I think about B always going asleep on my side of the bed so that it would be warm when I get in or chopping the potatoes really really small in the potato salad because that's the way I like it or knowing exactly what to get me when I'm down. There is never a day, no matter what I look like, when he doesn't say that I'm beautiful and he always wants to make me smile when I'm in a bad mood :) Love You Love You Love You <3>

Pretty Little Raindrop :)

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