Wednesday 20 May 2009

Angels and Demons <3

Yesterday we went to the movies AGAIN! We've got to stop going to the cinema all the time! You just eat a lot of popcorn and spend money! We went to watch Angels and Demons. Da Vinci Code was so good and I didn't know if it was going to be as good as it was when I went to see it back in whenever and it was like such an overwhelming surprise how good it was and so with this Angels and Demons you already know how Tom Hanks is going to be and what he does so it wasn't as good as the first one. But it was still good and I would recommend it to anyone who liked Da Vinci Code :)

There is this one point in the movie where you get the whole picture and understand what's going on and after that you kind of know what's gonna happen but it doesn't take away the movie experience :)

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