Saturday 30 May 2009

Books, Dresses and Rabbit Food <3

Yesterday we went to Liverpool to find me some new summer clothes. B found me a dress. Here is a picture of it.. Maybe I should start taking pictures with the clothes on..

I'm into off-the-shoulder tops and dresses. They are so pretty and I've never really worn them before. At the moment I'm wearing a green off-the-shoulder top which is funny because I usually don't wear anything but black clothes.

I forgot to tell you, that in Huyton we walked into this shop where I found a huge amount of books for almost no money at all! So I bought 6 of them :) Five normal books and one that teaches you french :) I don't know if I'm going to learn anything or have the motivation to teach myself, but it was just
there so I got it anyway, just in case :)

I've seen the movie and it was great but I think the book is better almost every time! :)

I've seen this movie as well but like I just said, the book is usually better :)

I don't really know anything about this book or the author but I just finished reading Jeffrey Archer - To Cut a Long Story Short and most of the stories were great and so now I'm into these kind of books.. This new one is also a collection of short stories and so I'm looking forward to reading it :)

Now this will probably be the greatest book ever, since the movie is so GOOD! I don't think there is anyone out there who hasn't seen this movie and if there is, then GO WATCH IT NOW!

I've read his books before and they are really good :) This one is about a plane crashing and them saying it was an accident and that no one could have survived it. A man lost his wife and two children in that "accident". Later on he finds out, that there was someone who survived.. Can't wait to read this one :)

I've seen the 3 part movie and it is absolutely horrible! It's one of the scariest movies I've ever seen! I want to read the books and now I've got the first part here.. Scary..

These books should keep me busy for a while. I shouldn't have to buy more until like 2 months from now :) Oh, btw. I also bought two new nail polishes :) Here is the one I have on now..

The other one I got is red :)

Today I went to get Dorothy some fluffs and Dimple some rabbit food. Dorothy was hungry so I really needed to get her the fluffs and now she didn't even eat them. Bi*ch. Just kidding. She likes to play around first and pretend she is hunting for the mice so I'm going to let her have her little game :)

Now I'm going to watch 28 days later on TV with my BooBoo who just came home from work. We're contemplating whether to have a pizza or stick to the diet.. I wish I had a stronger mind.. I'll let you know what we decided, tomorrow :)

Huyton <3

I must apologize for not updating my blog for so many days. I've been an emotional wreck and also very busy since B wanted to make me happy and came up with stuff to do to cheer me up.

So yesterday we went up to Huyton to see B's sister Lorna, along with B's parents, his nan and his other sister Lynette. We took the train from Town centre because it takes only something like 30 minutes and on the bus it's more like 1,5 hours.. We had never been up there before and it ended up being a very nice day as well so it really helped me to take my mind of the other stuff. It was nice to see where B's sister and her family lives and we will definitely go back up there when we get the chance :)

Here you have some pictures of our little trip to Huyton..

Nice "little" church :)
Pretty little park :)
Same pretty little park :)
Closed down pub that looked really nice on the outside :)
B's sister Lynette with Lorna's new baby Cale :)
Lorna's first born son John-Paul with his little scooter :)
Here is my BooBoo eating a well earned ice cream. He was on the South Beach diet with me for 4 whole days! I'm still on the diet even though I did eat something I wasn't supposed to but I made up for it .. He even bought John-Paul an ice cream. This was taken outside the shoe shop B's mother and sister were in :)

After that we went down another street and I found a shop E would go crazy for! It is full of things she would want to buy for her future home :) I only had time to take a picture at the door but already I saw something pretty :) One day I'll go back to that shop and show you more pictures :)

I wish you could see all the pretty things I saw there that day. Unfortunately I still don't have my dream camera so I couldn't take "the perfect picture" which would show you everything in detail in the other picture, now you can mainly see blur.. The walls were covered in pretty pretty paintings and pictures! I so want to go back there and spend a fortune I don't have :)

After all the shops and Ice cream for B and John-Paul, we went to B's sister's house. They have a nice garden and as the sun came out and the air got hot, we sat outside with the kids and had a cup of tea. I didn't, but others did :) Baby Cale just had his first birthday and so he was passing time in his brand new baby swing. Until he got bored an hour later and went inside :)

One of the highlights of the day for B was the engagement present we got from his nan. A bit late, but we weren't in England when we announced our engagement and we never really had a party in England to celebrate it so she took a moment then to celebrate us :) Here is B's new pride and joy!

As soon as my diet ends, B will have to make us some milkshakes and fruit smoothies :) It would be even nicer if we had a garden to drink them in but you can't have it all.. Now it's just sitting there waiting to be used :)

It was a very nice day and we had a lot of fun and I would tell you what we did today but it's almost 1.30 a.m now and B needs to go to work tomorrow so I can't stay up all night :) To that remark,

Monday 25 May 2009

I knew it!

I knew something would happen to ruin my holiday! As soon as things go right and you're happy, something has to go wrong or something bad has to happen so that you wouldn't stay happy. See being happy is bad in this world, we are always supposed to be angry and miserable... I can't believe this would happen after all this time! What the f*ck did I do to deserve this ?! Argh! This is the worst thing that could have happened! There is nothing I can do to stop this from happening, I just have to deal with it.. I just don't want to. WHY?! I'm so ANGRY right now it's insane! I am so incredibly sad and frustrated.. Anybody want to trade ? I just CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!

Sunday 24 May 2009

Hunger .

I've had almost a whole cucumber and 3 eggs today. Apparently you can eat as many eggs as you possibly can.. I was told it's not good for your digestive system but there is nothing about this diet that makes sence. Anyway, we bought all types of fish because you're allowed to eat as much of that as you want and so B promised to make a nice salad with some fish. I just want to go to Subway :) Maybe in like 3 weeks..

I need to do my exercise and the yoga today.
I'm still kind of lacking the motivation. Blaah.

It's a very nice weather outside so maybe I'll just take a nice long walk and put that down as my exercise for today! NO! I have to stop trying to talk my way out of this. I need my mom to tell me "Saara Maria! Get your act together and stick to what you've decided!" :) I will.. With the help of B and his commitment to the diet. Perfect.

Today I woke up to see this.

Maybe she was trying to eat me :) Or maybe she is just bored and wanted some company! Dorothy likes to play around like in this picture :)

I got some new hair dye yesterday and when my hair gets dirty, I'll dye it. Now this new colour is darker or like a deeper brown. Now if I go darker, it's going to be harder to get back to red because it was so much lighter. But this is going to be a good change with the healthy lifestyle and all :) Happy times!

Update on the tattoo.. There is only a very small piece of scab left on it and once that is gone and the skin around the edges of the tattoo have healed, then I don't have to be careful anymore and I can go out and show it off :)

I'm watching some horrible movie based on a true story about a man with serious mental issues. Not literally. There is an information button on the remote control and using that you'll find out the storyline but because you're not here, I'll write it down for you in case it sounds interesting and you would like to watch the movie .. :

Prophet Of Evil

The true story of cult leader Ervil LeBaron, who saw himself as the prophet of God, turned children into assassins and ordered the death of his own daughter.

I guess it's going to be more cucumber for me now. Hunger isn't a nice feeling. Anyway, hopefully you had a nice weekend, enjoy the last of it and embrace the start of a new one! :)

One more thing.. I have no idea how many calories we're allowed on this diet. Probably more than 75 ? I don't know and now I feel like I should have read more about the whole thing but I just wanted to let you know that you don't have to count calories or anything, you just eat a lot of the things you're allowed and none of the things you're not allowed. It's Meerkats simples! :) Only English people will get that last part :)

Saturday 23 May 2009

Diets suck <3

Babe had to work really late last night and he was falling asleep on the couch when he got home and so I managed to get a picture of him then!

Love him love him love him!

B always says that he doesn't snore, but one night I recorded him. In his defence he was drunk, but he snores like that on normal nights as well :P I asked him if I could put the recorded snoring on my blog but he said it's not fair so I'm not going to do it :) Hah. It's going to be my ringtone! Love you BABE!

At the moment I'm waiting for him to come home. He is supposed to finish at 7 so in like 40 minutes. Then we're going to go do our weekly shopping and buy a lot of cucumbers. I love them and that is what I'm going to eat for the next 2 weeks..

Mum said that it really will make me feel better and healthier and full of energy because your body isn't taking in any of the harmful fats and sugars. Well my body won't be taking in anything with this diet so I guess she is right ? I mean, the people somewhere in the world where they don't get enough food are skinny so I guess it works then..

So basically your allowed to eat green vegetables. And that's it. Well that's not too bad then. And we're coming into summer time now and that's when you're supposed to eat salad and all.. You see, I'm trying to find the silver lining in all this.. Hmm.

We went to see B's parents and his nan in Skelmersdale and there is this path I think is really pretty. I want this camera that takes a picture like I see it with my eyes. You know when you're somewhere and something is so beautiful and you want to take a picture and it just doesn't come out like how you see it in person kinda thing.. I want that super camera. I hate the camera on my phone because it doesn't take the picture like I want it to come out like. Anyway, here is the pictures of the path with my shitty camera..

At the end there you can see a little bit of the bridge. I didn't take a picture of that because we were in a bit of a hurry to catch the bus. I'll take more pictures when I get my super camera :)

These are some flowers on someones fence. They are pretty and I want some as well :) Me and B both wish we had a garden and we had the opportunity to move but I just don't know if that's going to happen. I don't know if this is the right time for that.. Anyway, now I'm gonna go take a shower. I need something to take my mind of the fact that I'm starving! I haven't had anything to eat today. Absolutely nothing. I think I might have to go to the dentist because this wisdom tooth is still killing me and pushing on the already existing teeth and they are all going to get crooked and that's not what I want. What to do ? Hmm.

I just don't want my teeth to look like this! I mean What The F*ck happened here ?!

Lack of Motivation ...

Today I'm just not feeling the motivation. It's because today the South Beach diet starts. Say goodbye to everything that actually makes you feel full. Say hello to rabbit food and nothing else. So basically the point is to not eat more than 75 calories per day. Well one of those tins of tuna in sunflower oil has 106 calories in it. I love that tuna with rice! I'm not happy.

Yesterday I painted my nails. I want to buy some new nail polish but I haven't found one that I love. I like this one I've got now but I want like a red one or purple or something like that :)

I couldn't find an elegant way of getting my thumb in the picture...

In the beginning of May B's parents went to Ireland to bury B's nan and they brought this M&M chef - thing with them. You move the arm down and candy drops out :) It didn't even take a day and all the candy was gone! Hah. We keep him on top of the microwave. Here's a picture of the M&M candy chef!

So the candy drops out onto that blue thing :)

So what happened on American Idol yesterday? Well the finale was between Adam Lambert and Kris Allen and almost 100 million votes came in and Kris Allen won. Adam was more like rock and all and Kris is kinda like everything so maybe he won because of that. I don't know. But he is really good so good for him!

Here is the new American Idol!

The whole show was packed full with all these supreme performances and artists like Santana, Queen, Kiss and many many more! It was a really good show and the top 13 also had songs to sing like Pink's hit So What. If you didn't watch it, you missed sh*t loads!

Friday 22 May 2009

Sweaty Saara blaah <3

OK so yesterday I was weak and I had pizza. But that is going to be the last time I eat anything good until this diet comes to its end and that will be the day I arrive to Finland or something.. I don't know if I've got the willpower to stay on the diet for the whole 3 or 4 weeks. Seems kind of radical doesn't it ? B would say now that you DO have the willpower. After all, I did quit smoking without any help! I think that requires willpower and a lot of it!

Here a picture of my favourite pizza here in England.
Hot and Spicy from Shalimars! The BEST pizza in town!

So today I did that Yoga again but today it was the 4 Chakra. The Heart Chakra. I don't know anything about Chakras and I don't really need to know but I just wanted to tell you in case there is someone out there reading this and knows all about those kinda things. All I know is that the colour of this Chakra is green and its element is air. So this Yoga was all about opening the heart and getting it into balance. It was really good! No wonder all the people who do yoga are in such a good condition, it really makes you work your body. I will definitely continue with it :)

Smiles all around! Have a nice weekend everybody!

Now I really need to go take a shower so I can smell good for BooBoo when he comes home in a bit :) I have to be quick because the finale of American Idol is on and I really want to know which boy wins! xoxo Gossip Girl. Just jokin! :)

Thursday 21 May 2009

The Phantom of the Opera <3

I just finished doing my exercise. I did this Vinyasa Flow Yoga today but I just don't think it's for me. I'll stick to the other ones :) Now I'm eating an apple and watching The Phantom of the Opera on TV. It's one of my all time favourites. A stunning performance!

I might have to stop concentrating on the movie because the bunny is looking so lonely there sitting on top of his home waiting for me to let him out. I just need some time to relax after the exercise :) I gave him some carrot and that should keep him busy for a while :)

28 days left until I step on Finnish ground again! I just can't wait! I still need to do some shopping for summer clothes and I'll do that next week :) I'm going to eat and drink myself to death when I get home because there is just too much I've been missing :) And hopefully E can help me on this other thing I want to do.. I want to buy LOADS of them cucumber mayo things from Hesburger :) They are so good it's unbelievable and we just NEED to bring some of that back to England with us :) !!

Today I'm going to drink my last alcoholic drink for 2 weeks or more. Depends on how long we'll be on that weirdo diet.. It's going to be a Magners Apple cider :)

Soon BooBoo will be home and then I'll have that drink with him :) Or maybe will go out and get a beer or something. Dinner today will be tuna and rice, at least I think so.. That is so good I can't live without it :) OR maybe we should get our last pizza in a long time! Hah. Maybe not, since we're going to eat a lot of crap in Finland :)

It's going to be such a nice holiday, and now there is a shop I really want to go to! There is one in Vaasa which is great since we're going there anyway to see some friends :) My sister is getting a dress to the wedding from that shop and it's such a pretty dress! I still don't know what I'm going to wear because I know almost nothing about the wedding. I don't know why we have not been told anything about it but I guess that's how daddy has always been :) Not the best communicator :) Hah. We'll probably find everything out the day before the wedding. Can't wait to see daddy, it's been such a long time!

Anyone from Kokkola knows where this picture has been taken :) There has been a couple of times when someone put soap in this fountain thing.. Stupid people.

What a beautiful country Finland is, don't you agree ? :)

Now I have to go and let the bunny out, he's getting a bit restless and jealous because the computer is getting more attention than him! He is the biggest attention seeker! :)

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Enjoy the Story !

I don't think I told you that I finished reading that book, Karen Rose - Nothing to Fear. It was like more than a week ago when I finished it but I forgot to tell you about it!

It was a very good book! It's a story that you will read in suspense and you can't put the book down, not even to go to bed or eat! THEN in the end part of the book there is a twist that you DO NOT see coming at all! Because there are no clues given in the book about that incredible twist that makes you go "WHAT?!". It's an entertaining book and I will probably read it again one day :)

Now I've started to read a new book. Jeffrey Archer's - To Cut a Long Story Short. It's a collection of short stories. I've only read two of the fourteen in the collection and so far it's been a pleasurable reading experience. Nine of the fourteen stories are based on true incidents. I wanted to share the first one with you because it is just so amazing in my opinion and I want you all to be able to read it! So here it comes..

This story isn't written by Jeffrey Archer, it's originally been translated from Arabic and nobody knows who wrote it..

Death Speaks

There was a merchant in Bagdad who sent his servant to market to buy provisions and in a little while the servant came back, white and trembling, and said, Master, just now when I was in the market-place I was jostled by a woman in the crowd and when I turned I saw it was death that jostled me. She looked at me and made a threatening gesture; now, lend me your horse, and I will ride away from this city and avoid my fate. I will go to Samarra and there death will not find me. The merchant lent him his horse, and the servant mounted it, and he dug his spurs in its flanks and as fast as the horse could gallop he went. Then the merchant went down to the market-place and he saw me standing in the crowd and he came to me and said, Why did you make a threatening gesture to my servant when you saw him this morning? That was not a threatening gesture, I said, it was only a start of surprise. I was astonished to see him in Bagdad, for I had an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.

Have a nice evening!

Kundalini Yoga <3

I just finished doing Kundalini Yoga with Maya. It was on Body in Balance channel on TV for an hour. It was completely exhausting and now I feel .. better. I guess that is what I'm supposed to say.. That I feel energetic and relaxed but I don't actually know if that's true.

I think I would feel GREAT but my wisdom tooth is pushing out again and it really hurts. There might even be an infection in the gum covering the tooth but I haven't been to the dentist. There isn't a point because I know the reason it's hurting. At least now I can really push on the exercises because the toothache is so overpowering I only feel that and not the muscle pain :) There is something good in everything! Hah.

Now I have tried 2 different types of yoga and they are both equally hard and so maybe I should just do them both :) This one I did today does something to your insides.. Like helps your liver and stuff like that. Hmm. I think I need to do all kinds to get healthier all around, inside and out. Good thinking :)

The next step from this is to find out the best way to stretch the muscles and all. I mean I'm doing everything I know but maybe I should search the Internet and find the best thing. With that I kinda mean something easy :) One of these things I'm doing has to be easy! Or at least painless. Stretching hurts. Anyway, anything that works, I'm going to do :)

I ate a sandwich earlier and I got sad. Soon I'm not going to be able to eat anything like that. Life is a Bitch!

AND we got our Tesco back! It was closed for a week for renovations and now it's open again! Now that I wrote that down I got it. It doesn't matter. Because I can't go and get chocolate or something now that my "new healthier life" has started. Murr. Now I'm not happy at all!

OK now I'm happy again because Gossip Girl is on in like 15 min! What a wondeful life! I'm gonna watch it curled up on the couch with another sandwich :) Then I'm going to put more Bonjela on the tooth, have a shower and go read my book!

If you want to read more about Kundalini Yoga, you can do so here :)

SB Diet ?

Well this is the third day of the exercising. I'm still going strong and I've even added a few things into it and now it's going to help me even more.

My mother told me about this diet I should try to really get started with this healthy living. It looks and sounds really hard and it's really confusing. I understand that there are some things in this world I don't need to "get" but cheese you can eat but not apples ? How does that make sence ? You can't eat fruit at all in "phase 1" but you can eat bacon and cheese.. ? I don't understand at all how that works but I guess if it WORKS then I should just go with it.
THANK GOD for B! He said he'll do it with me and we'll do it for 2 weeks and then if it's not good or something for me or us, then he'll help me find something else :)

I was hoping I could tackle this issue of being healthy with doing the exercise but I understand now that it is quite impossible. Don't knock it till you try it! I'm just really hoping it will work so I don't have to suffer for nothing. I LOVE rice and I LOVE potatoes with my food and now I'm not allowed to eat those.. :/ I'm not even allowed to eat satsumas and that is like the perfect snack in the whole entire world! I guess I could live without everything I love for the next 2 weeks but if I'm being completely honest with you, I'd rather be fat and happy than skinny and miserable. We'll just have to wait and see how much I'm going to miss fruit, rice and potatoes!

If you would like to read more about
South Beach Diet you can do so here !

Angels and Demons <3

Yesterday we went to the movies AGAIN! We've got to stop going to the cinema all the time! You just eat a lot of popcorn and spend money! We went to watch Angels and Demons. Da Vinci Code was so good and I didn't know if it was going to be as good as it was when I went to see it back in whenever and it was like such an overwhelming surprise how good it was and so with this Angels and Demons you already know how Tom Hanks is going to be and what he does so it wasn't as good as the first one. But it was still good and I would recommend it to anyone who liked Da Vinci Code :)

There is this one point in the movie where you get the whole picture and understand what's going on and after that you kind of know what's gonna happen but it doesn't take away the movie experience :)