Thursday 31 December 2009

Last Day Of The Year.

Today is the last day ever of the year 2009.

It's time so say goodbye to 2009.

NR said something on Twitter yesterday. 70's, 80's, 90's.. What will we call the past ten years ?

What can I say about the past year ? There were a lot of problems, as always, and a lot of fighting but there was more love than ever before and times of laughter. I learnt a lot about myself and my hubby.

Got a job. Got new friends. Had a very nice christmas.

Dyed my hair brown, then went back to red and now wanted to dye it dark brown and it came out black. But apparently it looks good on me so who am I to complain ? Now I'm just a big blackhead :)

Summary of the year 2009 in one word; Long.

I tried to come up with something better but all I could think about was everything that has happened during the year and it just feels long. But what a good year. I hope you had a good one too :)

Let's say hello to 2010!

Long, long time ago..

.. was the last time I updated my blog.

I couldn't upload any photos and it was really getting on my nervs so I just stopped doing the whole blog until now. My brother came to stay with us for the x-mas time and he did his magic on my settings and now it works and I can download these stupid pictures :)


Get one of these and you're sorted for the day :)

My beloved brother the other day. Bad hair day ? Or just bedhead ?

It's been a long day and it's getting kinda late and I need to work tomorrow so I'm not making this update very long. But I'll do one about Christmas and pictures of the decorations and presents I got and stuff like that.

I've been to B's parents today and to town to try and sort this thing out but it wasn't as easy as I expected it to be and once again I might have to fight to get something I shouldn't have to fight for. But we'll see tomorrow. Everything's gonna get sorted tomorrow. I mean, if it works, then it will be sorted.

Working all night tomorrow so no drinking. But I'm not quite sure how long we're open for or how everything's gonna go down so.. Might stay there for a drink after we've kicked everyone else out or might just come home. The plan is always to stay and have a drink but after the night is over, we all just want to go home and get some sleep. Tomorrow night will be extremely busy and my guess is that I'll be absolutely knackered at the end of it.

But now I'm off to watch the end of Born Survivor and then BED!

I hope you had a lovely Christmas and a happy New Year! xxx

Sunday 6 December 2009

Quick update.

Went to the dentist. I was there for a whole of 15 minutes. Have to go back for the pre-op and an x-ray. Nice. But after that, I hopefully get them both out.

Been working a lot. Been getting all the X-mas Fayre people in. A lot of work but a lot of fun as well :)

Missed the X-Factor tonight but I'll just watch it tomorrow or something. I want to see Lady Gaga's performance :)

I'm watching 16 and pregnant at the moment. Talking to some friends. Waiting for B to come home. Need to go to the shop and buy some food.

Need to go now before the shop closes.

Wednesday 25 November 2009


I finally scored a new dentist appointment. For Wednesday 9th of December. But they phoned me up and now my new appointment is on Saturday. This Saturday. So in a few days. That's cool. Been waiting for this since Feb. I'm hoping they'll cut them out there and then.

Going to work for 5. One of our barmates is on holiday so I'm doing more shifts this week. It's ok. More money in my pocket :) Off thursday and working all weekend.

Relaxing now and watching The Kardashians THS.

Went to the cinema with new friend A. We wanted to watch Paranormal Activity but even though it said it would be out last friday, it won't be out until this friday.. Argh. So we watched 2012 instead. It was scary. Not like Paranormal Activity would've been, but coz all the things that happened in 2012 before the world came to an end, are happening now. We might only have a few years left. What are you going to do with this little time you have left ? :) Hahaha.

Going to get ready now. Hopefully it has stopped raining by the time I leave the house. Cya!

Wednesday 18 November 2009


Dehumidifier. Word of the week. If you're thinking about moving to England, make sure you get one. We definitely need to get one. Or two. Maybe.

Had a very long weekend. Worked all day everyday. But it's good. More money in my pocket :)

Still can't upload any photos.

I don't really have that much to tell you.

We went to the cinema on Monday. We watched the Fourth Kind. It was really good.. I didn't know what to think, but because of the Archive footage of the real thing, you kinda start thinking differently. Go watch the trailer here . I recommend this movie.

We want to see Paranormal Activity but it's not out until Friday. But we're going to watch New Moon next. It's out on Friday. Hmm. I think we might go and see it on Monday to avoid all the people going on the weekend.

Going to read the new Cosmo now. Have a nice night!

Wednesday 11 November 2009

Can't come up with a Title..

It's now 3.45 am and I'm still awake. Worked 5-finish today. I thought it was going to be a quiet night but it wasn't too bad. We had a lot of people come in and the hours just flew by. It was nice. Had a laugh with the regulars :) Sexy secretary or naughty teacher, something like that.. I tried on some glasses and the whole thing turned sexual. Haha. Men and alcohol. But we had a laugh and it was a lot of fun. Got home for something like 1 am.

Went online. Facebook. Addiction is growing. But I'm not as bad as J. He goes on FB every free minute he gets.. to update his status. To let everyone know what he is up to. At work. Hahah :)

Now I'm stuck watching TV again. These are episodes of programs I used to watch a long time ago in Finland but then I moved and blah blah and now I can't stop watching coz I've not seen these ones ..Hmm.

Hubby went to bed hours ago and I told him I'd be in in a minute but I'm still here so.. I'm not in tomorrow so It'll be fine staying up so late and all.

Going now. Have a very nice week! :)

Tuesday 3 November 2009

New Stuff :)

I'm sitting on the couch wearing my new robe and watching Sex and the City. It's been raining quite a lot today. Typical English weather.

We went into Town today, finally, to do some shopping.. I found a pair of pants! Whippii! And a robe. And Dream Matte Mousse or what ever it's called. And shoes! And gloves and a new autumn coat!!! What a good day! I found everything I wanted and needed. Oh and socks! I also updated the security on my laptop and paid this bill that I needed to pay a long time ago but I forgot about it.. :/ So I got a lot done today. We also cleaned and made dinner. There's only one thing I didn't do.. Or find. I needed to buy something nice to go out in but I didn't see anything I liked and I didn't feel like trying stuff on.. Some other day. I'm happy :)

I finally slept last night which is perfect because I really needed some sleep.. And now I'm tired again and it's like 1 o'clock in the morning. But it's good. I should be going to bed now anyway :) Might just do that.

Good Night!

Friday 30 October 2009

Late Night.

Still can't upload any pictures. I think it's probably my security settings that aren't allowing me to upload pictures on this website. I can put new pictures on FB so it's not like it's blocking all websites. I guess that means it's not my security settings that are messed up. Annoying.

Anyway, it's half past 3 in the morning already. Should be asleep but I'm not. Too much coughing. And now hubby is sick. He's asleep in the bedroom and I'm still sitting on the couch. Watching Men in Trees. Apparently it's on at 3 in the morning, every morning. And after that I can watch Lipstick Jungle. Bad, bad, bad. Should be sleeping. ANNOYING COUGH!

New episodes of the Hills are now showing on MTV. Two weeks now. So two new episodes have aired. I don't know if I like it now without Lauren. All sanity has escaped the drama. Now it's mainly just girls hooking up with each others ex-boyfriends or current boyfriends or what ever and Spencer the A-hole is being.. well, himself really. Anyway, I'm going to watch it no matter how bad it is. Because I'm hooked. Like millions of other people. Oh and I might check out the new episodes of the City as well. That program might actually be better now that she's stopped being too trusting. Maybe.

Now I'm going to rub some Vicks on my chest, wrap the blanket around me and (hopefully) fall asleep.

Btw. I'll tell you the good and the bad about the two latest Cosmos as soon as I have a minute to read them through. There's a new one coming out soon so I'll have to step it up and read these two.. Good Night.

One other thing. These fu*kers phoned me up and said that my dentist appointment has been cancelled! So now my wisdom tooth will just keep on fu*king up everything and causing problems and pain. Nice. ARGH!

Thursday 29 October 2009

Fu*king Flu.

I'm sick.. Again.

Two girls in work were sick and I think one of them gave me the flu. Not swine flu, the normal one. I think I might be dying.

I'm not really dying. My lungs are on fire, my head is about to explode and my nose is the miniature of Niagara Falls. Therefore, death will follow.

I should be sleeping by now. 3.09am and I'm still awake. I can't fall asleep because I keep coughing and slowly dying. I gotta stop saying that now.

I still can't upload any pictures. I wish I could, coz now I've got the time for it. To make it nice and all that. I don't know what to do to fix it. Argh.

I'm watching Men in Trees. I'm so tired. I hate being sick. Who's with me on that ? E ? I know you hate being sick! Mom ? You definitely hate being sick. Let's fight the flu together and never get it again.

I wish that could actually happen. How nice would it be to never get sick ?

Depressing topic. Can't think of anything else and so I can't come up with anything better. Oh well. Thankfully I'm off tomorrow.

I'm going now. Need to at least try to fall asleep. Good night.

Monday 26 October 2009


Just wanted to check if it let's my download the pictures on but it's not letting me. There's something wrong and I don't know how to fix it. Sad.

Been to work today. All day. And back in tomorrow. Had a really nice time because we were so busy, the day didn't seem too long and I had the best dinner waiting for me at home! Spinach soup, my new favourite soup (!) and chilli con carne. And for sweets we had some Doritos and salsa because I already had some Chocolate Fugde cake with ice cream in work earlier :) I kept selling it to the customers and it looked so good that I just had to have it! :)

Missed X-Factor today but I seen the result show in work. Thankfully they made the right decision today and sent home that girl group who really sucked! Now they just need to get rid of John & Edward and we'll be sorted :) They don't know how to sing and they don't know how to dance.. The only thing they know how to do is entertain. That's why they're still on the show. We'll see what happens.. I'm on team Lucie. If you would like to listen to any of the contestants songs, go to youtube and put in X-Factor 2009.

Watching Mock the Week with hubby and getting ready for bed. Got up an hour too early today.. Didn't remember to set the clocks back an hour before I went to bed so I only remembered when I seen it on TV in the morning. I went back to bed for a bit and woke up twice as tired as I was when I got up the first time.. :)

Went shopping on Saturday. We were supposed to buy some clothes but we went out to Town on Friday night with everyone and were too tired to try anything on and so on.. So we just bought stuff for the house. Got the ironing board. Finally! How long have we been saying we need one ?! And now we've got the cutest one and I can't put a picture on! So annoying. Is there anyone who knows what's going on and could help me out ? Dear E, are you out there ? Do you know how to help me ?! :)

We also bought a new shower head. It's amazing!! It's really big so it's like standing under a small waterfall :) I love this new shower head but there's one bad thing about it..

I don't want to get out of the shower coz it's too damn nice :)

I'm going to have to dye my hair again. But they stopped selling my hair dye in Asda. The only place they sold it in.. As far as I know. So maybe I should dye my hair dark brown. Coz I had brown hair before, when I tried it out, and B kept telling me my hair still looked more red than brown but that was probably because the brown wasn't dark enough ? And so I should try a dark brown. I can always go lighter once the red is gone. We'll see how I feel on Wednesday when we're supposed to do our shopping, for clothes I mean. Hmm.

Bunny needs some attention now and he shall get some. Then it's bed time for me. Have a very nice night! I'll try to update the blog more. Maybe before I go to work, so I wouldn't be too tired to do it :) Good idea.

Good Night!

Wednesday 21 October 2009


Listen to Rihanna's new comeback single here!

I think it's good, what do you think ?

Still not working.

What's going on ? I still can't upload any photos. This is shit!

Anyway, it's my day off today but I haven't really done much. I'm supposed to clean the house before hubby gets home.. I only have like 3-4 hours left before it needs to be done. I think I can do it :) Maybe.

Everyone's getting ready for Halloween. It's going to be mad! Everybody's getting dressed up as something and walking from point A to point B and going for a drink in every single pub in between those points... and it's something like 15 pubs. Good luck! I don't know if I'm going, coz I'm not sure if I'm working or not.

I wanted to put this pic on of the biggest spider you've ever seen! At least one that lives inside your house. The spiders are HUGE in England!

Well I kinda started cleaning now. Don't know how or why but now I kinda got into the whole cleaning thing and I think I should go with it and get it done! :) I'll try with the pics later.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

Rain Rain Rain.

I just wrote a message to my mom saying that it hasn't been raining that much yet and now it's raining like there is no tomorrow. I don't feel like leaving the house now but I've got to go to work soon. I think I might go in earlier and have something to eat. Good idea. And I finally have my cable now so I'm going to put some pictures on :)


At the moment I can't put any pics on because as soon as I try, the web page crashes. Now isn't that nice ? Why so many problems ?

Had enough of this now. Need to get ready for work anyway. I'll try again later when I get home for 1 in the morning or tomorrow. We'll see.

Have a very nice day! <3

Thursday 15 October 2009


So annoyed. I took pictures of our 3 course meal that my lovely hubby made us and these things we bought and now I can't find the cable to get them out of my phone.

It's not that the house is such a mess that it's like impossible to find something, it's more like we haven't organised all the stuff even tho we've been living here for like 2 months now ? We need to get all of our stuff and find a place for them where we can always find that something we're looking for.

Later on tonight or tomorrow when I find that cable, I'm going to hang it on my bedroom wall and then I'll never lose it again. Hopefully.

B is watching Matrix Reloded on TV.

Today is our day off from work so we got up earlier and went out. We did stuff like go to GT's and get some stuff we needed and then we walked down to the post office and then we walked around the Asda looking at all the stuff. It's been such a long time since we've been down there! We used to go every week and get our weekly shopping done there but now we're never home to eat the food so we just buy what ever we need from our local supermarket. Interesting information, I'm sure.

We got this rolling thing you use to paint with, and we're going to use it to paint the wall in the hall. We got quite a lot of stuff we've needed for a long time but never got around to getting it. Today was a good day :)

Now I'm gonna go look for this cable and then spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch, coz it's back to work tomorrow.

Have a very nice EVENING everyone!

Thursday 8 October 2009


You make me feel beautiful

Autumn has arrived <3

The falling leaves drift by the window
The autumn leaves of red and gold
I see your lips, the summer kisses
The sun-burned hands I used to hold

Since you went away the days grow long
And soon Ill hear old winters song
But I miss you most of all my darling
When autumn leaves start to fall

Cest une chanson, qui nous ressemble
Toi tu maimais et je taimais
Nous vivions tous, les deux ensemble
Toi que maimais moi qui taimais
Mais la vie spare ceux qui saiment
Tout doucement sans faire de bruit
Et la mer efface sur le sable les pas des amants dsunis

Long Time No ..

Nothing. We didn't have internet again for like a week or so and then I got really busy with work and blah blah blah. And now I'm kinda starting to write again.

So what's happened since the last time I updated the blog..

Well just yesterday I was doing some laundry and I took them out of the washing mashine and into the second bedroom and I noticed something. The glass lid on the snakes tank was a little too open... I ran into the living room to get B and we started looking for her. We hadn't seen her for 2 days so we didn't know when she got out, was it like just now or two days ago, so we didn't know how far she could've gone. We finally found her behind the wardrobe. Drama drama drama.

I'm having two days off now. Yesterday and today. I'm off to make something to eat. After that, NAP TIME!

Tuesday 15 September 2009


Watch this and tell me if you really care about her outfits.. Her talent shines through like a STAR!

And watch the original music video for Paparazzi. At least now we know she can speak swedish... Lady Gaga - Paparazzi .

It's all about Lady Gaga.

There was a lot of talk about Lady Gaga on Twitter on the night of the VMA's. There were a lot of negative comments about her outfits but I think she was fabulous and I really enjoyed her performance! She sang her new song 'Paparazzi'. In case you didn't watch the VMA's, you can check out her performance here .

From her performance at the VMA's

And if you like Lady Gaga's Pokerface, you should definitely check this cover version out. I liked it, what do you think ? :)

Enough about celebs .

My favourite Night Clubs.. Jumpin' Jaks and Liquid. I mean, those are the places we always go to coz we know they're good.. There are a few other places and this one place that's open until 6 in the morning. But I don't think I'm going to do any partying until the morning, not in a night club at least.

Just finished eating my noodles and now I'm probably going to watch a movie. Phantom of the Opera anyone ? :)

Monday 14 September 2009

Watch this!

Just something I stumbled upon surfing the Internet .. How cute is this girl and she can really sing! :) X-Factor seems to be going great. Watch it!


I worked all weekend. On Saturday we went out after work and because it was so late going out, we got home for about 5 (?) . I was so god damn tired when I got to bed and then I couldn't fall asleep. I was super annoyed. I went into the living room and watched TV until 12 and then I left for work again. I worked all day on Sunday and got home for 10. I literally crawled up the stairs and fell asleep on the couch. I don't even know how I woke up in bed .. I must've walked to bed in my sleep.. :)

I'm still really tired but I have to stay awake or I'll mess up my sleep rhythm. I stayed awake for 40 hours. I think that really killed me. But it's OK since I had the best time ever this weekend. Now I need some rest.

One more thing. When I finally checked in on Twitter again (keep forgetting all about it) I read all about the VMA's - WTF ?? happened ? I need to watch it today. It's actually on now. Need to see it for myself.

Watching the music video for the new movie Fame. Watch the trailer here!

Also, to all of the Grey's Anatomy fans out there, watch the first 5 minutes of the new season HERE!
Can't wait for it to start!!!! :)

Thursday 10 September 2009

Last of the Sunny Days.

Tuesday : S and A came for a visit.

Hubby and I went to meet them at the train station in Town. We walked around the centre for a little while, just had a look around. We were supposed to take them to GT:s but A was feeling a little under the weather so she just wanted to get inside. And it was starting to rain. We got some food from Tesco and came home. A had a fever and everything .. So we just had some good food and watched TV. Went to bed quite early.

Wednesday : Accident.

B left for work at around 1 o'clock. We said our goodbyes at the door and I came back upstairs to watch TV and be lazy. (:P) Like 2-3 hours later the doorbell rang. I was like who could it possibly be.. It was B.

He told me he had been on his way to work, on his bike, and he made a turn and fell off the bike. Now in England you are not allowed to ride your bike on the pathway, you have to ride with the cars on the road and so there wasn't enough room for him to let the bike fall and then try to land on his hands or ass, so the bike hit a car and B hit his head on the curb! OMG. What the F*CK! :/

So we didn't really do much yesterday. We just watched TV and made some food. Later on we had a walk coz we had such a nice weather. B had a fever and he got a call from his doctor who told him that it's most likely from a trauma to the body.

He is a lot better today. I'm sure it wasn't anything serious. At least I'm hoping so.

He's home now. I mean he literally just came home from work. It's a really sunny day today so I think I'm going to take him out for a walk.

"There's always 3 sides to every story. Mine, yours and the Truth."

Monday 7 September 2009

Something Pretty :)

I love this candle. Have you seen anything as pretty as this ? :)

It's on my dinner table. Along with this.. What ever it's called :)

My flowers are dying. I have to take them out today and bin them. Need to take our bin out as well. Today we won't forget! This time we'll remember damn it! :)

Watching Eggheads at the moment and they answered wrong to this question about how many of the States still officially have or support or something like that, of the death penalty.. They answered 8 and the right answer is 38?!?! That's way more than what I thought! WOW. Nobody ever wins the Eggheads and they've won 74 games in a row and now these 5 students beat them and took home £75 000. Good for them :)

S and A are coming to see us tomorrow. Hopefully, anyway. They might even stay the night. It's possible now that we have a spare bedroom :) Hopefully we'll get as much sunshine tomorrow as we did today. It was really warm outside and really hot inside!

Need to go make some food now. I'll try and remember to take a picture. It'll be something like salmon with something and something and sauce :) We'll figure it out. Have a nice day!

Saturday 5 September 2009

He has arrived :)

Talking to my brother on Skype. He just landed in England today, with his friend A. They're thinking about going out with some of the other people at What ?! the Mental hospital ? That is where they live now. I mean, it's not a mental hospital anymore but it used to be. Check this out!

Today I had some salmon with mash and vegetables. It was great! It tasted so good OMG! My hubby should've been a chef ;) Later on when I got hungry I made myself some chicken and rice. That was also very nice :) And it all fits in with my diet. What a good food day today was :) Enough about that.

I worked last night. I had a really nice time! The people there are the best! :) It was D's birthday the other day so last night he wanted to go out with everyone and he reserved this area in JJ in Town. You needed to be on the guestlist for that party :) And that's where we went after work! We had the best time and I managed to take a few pics :)

All the other pictures I took are too dark or too fuzzy. It's not good to take photos with a camera phone in a dark night club with a lot of lights flickering. Anyway, we had a lot of fun and I can't wait for the next time :)

My flowers are looking very beautiful :) I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean. My hubby just came home from work so I'll be joining him on the couch now :) Cya!

Friday 4 September 2009

Not enough time.

Don't have that much time to do this today. I have to go to work in a min. Did my make up and got dressed. Had some lunch and I thought I'd quickly write something :)

Someone posted something on Twitter and I want to share it with you. You have to watch this video.. It's one of the best commercials I've seen!

Watch it here !

My diet is going well. No problems there yet. It's only been about what, 4 days ? So not that long but I'm willing to give it a month and then we'll find out if it worked :) I'm sure it works and I'll be very happy with the results of it :)

I better get going now. Have a very nice day everyone!

Thursday 3 September 2009

Why Not ?

Why can't things go the way we want them to go ? Life would be so much easier if that was the case. Unfortunately it nearly never works that way.

I need to find a solution to this problem quickly. I hate problems.

If you wrote a diary or in your kalender every day for a month, how many days could you write down 'no problem' ? Would you have a problem to solve for most of the days ? If your answer is yes, then you understand what I mean. I'm working on getting one whole month without problems.

I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow. I mean, I know what's going to happen but I don't know how to go about it. Argh. I hate being an adult and having problems to solve. Wasn't life a lot easier before , when your mommy took care of all your problems ? All you had to say was 'Äitiiiiiii' and she would come to your rescue :)

It's been raining for a few days now. Non-Stop. And the wind is something out of this world. It looks like the tree outside my window is going get knocked down by this wind. I guess it's time for autumn now ? Does it look like autumn in Finland ? You can always tell what time of the year it is in Finland. What a beautiful country.

Don't have enough time to put in pictures right now. Need to sort some things out. Argh. Want to swap lives anyone ?

Tuesday 1 September 2009

One More Thing .

Guess who was meeting me at the airport when
I got back to England...

Pretty Pretty Flowers :)

Mini Fridge ?

During my little "trip" to Finland, I also got to see my folks new place :) I never saw it the way it looked like before they did it up but I definitely like it the way it is now!

The living room


I've got more pictures but I don't want to use the one of the bedroom because someone is already asleep in it :) Hah Sorry Jari! :)

For the most of my trip I stayed in Vaasa. On one of the days S stayed with me the whole day and so we went to one of her favourite shops,
Gina Tricot.
Before that we went to H&M and she tried this top on and then we went to check this other top out in Gina Tricot and it was so much better than the one in H&M. She wanted it so bad so I decided to buy it for her as a birthday present. She turns 18 in a couple of days now! Here's a pic.

I think she looks so pretty in her new top and the "pearls" :) I got her them aswell coz she always wanted to borrow mine so now she's got her very own :) I had to take a picture so you could all see how beautiful my little sister is <3>


I'd rather have the first one.. The green colour or what ever colour it is. But I don't really know why I would need a mini fridge. They're just cute!

I've got more stuff to write about and more pictures and stories. Pictures of the new place and the new stuff.. But I won't do anything before I get the rest of the stuff :) Now I'm going to go eat my Rice Pudding (Riisipuuro) which my hubby spent an hour making :)

Have a very nice day!

Monday 31 August 2009

Too Busy.

It's been ages since I last wrote about anything. I've been too busy.

Came back from my little trip to Finland.

After that I've been too busy to write about anything that's going on.

I promise I'll do it tomorrow. I'm just not in the mood to put on pics and all today.

Thursday 20 August 2009


There is something I think you should all read. Someone posted this link on Facebook to let all the Swedish speaking Finnish people know what this Bi*ch is saying about us. Read it here.

What a complete idiot she is. How many Grammar mistakes did you spot ? I definitely want Triple J to read it, since I'm sure he can spot them all. She claims to be open-minded but I can't see that anywhere. Can you ?

There is a conversation going on about that on Facebook.

Not even possible.

Not even possible that I forgot to take a picture of the Pasta Carbonara. It was so good that I couldn't stop eating it once I tasted a little bit.. I need to get more of it! We've been trying to find new "foods" as in, we want to cook something new instead of making the same food every week and this week we made the Chili Con Carne and Pasta Carbonara. We'll have to wait and see what else we might find.

I'll have to put some pictures on today though. I'll just load them up onto the laptop.

So here is a picture of our Ice Creams we had in St Helens the other day.

Chili Con Carne

I don't know what this is called but it was pretty and I wanted a pic of it :)

We went to this shop with like costumes in it and posters and collectables etc. That part there "POLITICALLY CORRECT" was the funniest part and that's why I took the picture. I'd actually like to have this poster just to have it.. Maybe I'll go back and get it :)

New Fashion In 2010 ? :)

They had walls and walls full of costumes. All kinds. I would love to have a costume party! I just don't know who would want to come.. I mean, I know people would love to come to the party but I don't know if they would take it seriously and actually dress up as something.

We went out on Friday night and the whole Town was dressed up. We saw male nuns and a priest, playboy bunnies, nurses and doctors, a mouse and loads more! All of the costumes were sexy or sexed up except for the priest. He wasn't that sexy since he was covered from head to toe in that costume. But like if you want to dress up here it's OK and it's actually encouraged and all you have to do is go out on a Friday night. You don't even need a party :) Hah.

I'm watching Dr Phil at the moment and they are talking about these girls who go out drinking and then take pictures of themselves at various stages of drunkeness and throwing up and half naked etc. The group you can join if you want to do the same is called "30 Reasons Why A Girl Should Call It A Night" and here is one of those group pages. Stupid people.

They're saying that it's not going to prevent them from getting a job because the employer should give them a chance and recognize that the pictures are of their personal life and choices and that the pictures don't reflect the way they act on the job or of their ability to do a good job. Fu*king idiots!

I'm hungry. So now I'm going to go make some lunch. Noodles ? Or the rest of the Chili Con Carne ? I don't think that's going to be a tough choice :) I'll put some more pictures on later or tomorrow :) Have a nice day everyone!

Wednesday 19 August 2009

Bond, James Bond.

Bond, James Bond.

That's what I'm watching at the moment. Deja-vu. That's what it feels like. Everything always looks the same and all the same things happen, the only thing that changes is the actor. I think Sean Connery is the best one without a doubt.

Hubby's parents came over today. B's nephew was here as well. We went down to the shops to have a look around and then we bought some food for tonight. B is going to make us Pasta Carbonara. Can't wait for that! We had some toasties before so I'm not that hungry right now.. Give it something like 25 min and I'll be starving. Probably after this movie.

E told me I should take pictures of the food we eat and talk about that since that is quite a big part of my life.. B is a chef after all. So yesterday B made us Chili Con Carne and it was soooo good!! I took a picture of it but I'm too lazy to put it on the computer. I'll take a pic of the food today and then tomorrow I'll put them both on :) OK ?

We felt like we wanted something sweet so B whipped up something in the kitchen. Too bad I only thought of taking a picture of it after it was already all gone, but I'll tell you what it was and next time I promise to take a pic. So we had some Angel Delight - Strawberry mousse. It was really good! Next time we'll buy some real strawberries to go with it and it'll taste even better :)

When we were down at the shops, we went to this place B found where they have all the things we want and for so much less money and I bought a Nail Hardening Nail Polish. I'll put that on and some nice colour as well and maybe then my nails will stop breaking and cracking. I don't understand why but suddenly they've started to break and now they're all quite short.. Might be the stress ? That can cause them to break right ? Stress can kill you so why not your nails.. Stress is bad. How to get rid of stress ?

Someone just got stabbed. And now someone is getting shot. Or dropped off the roof or something.

He landed on a car. So he survived being dropped off the roof and then the driver of that car got out and shot him. Not a good day for the dropped guy.

Madagascar - Escape to Africa is a really funny movie. You should all watch that. And also, if you haven't seen it yet, go watch Orphan! You'd never know what is wrong with the child. There's a really sick twist in the end.. Definitely watch that movie!!!

Dimple was out running around today and S-P kicked him in the head. Probably not on purpose and the bunny didn't get hurt or anything like that. I think maybe he just wanted to make the bunny run when he stopped.. It took him forever to apologize for what he did even when B's parents (S-P grandparents) told him they weren't going to leave to get their tea until he'd done that. Eventually he did say he was sorry. It was so funny! Hah. He'd had enough.

It has been very nice for the last two days. B's days off and all. It's always nice to spend some time together without any stress from work or anything else for that matter. We've been watching movies and cleaned the house. We've also been out walking a little bit and had an ice cream and stuff like that :) It's been very nice indeed.

Now it'll be some more James Bond, a little bit of Twitter and ice cold Fanta.

Have a very nice night everyone!

Tuesday 18 August 2009

Sunny Day :)

The sun is shining! Finally.

It's B's days off today and so we're thinking about going into Town and have a look around. We need to go before the weather changes and the rain comes.

We had some nice porridge for breakfast (B made it HAH) and now I need to go get dressed and ready to leave the house.

I'll try to take some pictures but don't get your hopes up ! :)

Have a nice day!

Monday 17 August 2009

S as in SOON!

Can't wait !

S is coming over in a matter of days. Something like 17 or 18 days right ? It's going to be nice to have my Big Brother closer :) We'll be able to spend some time together. It's going to be great! Hopefully we'll still get some sunshine instead of this rain so he'll actually see some rain-free England :) He'll be here for nearly a year but half of that time will be very wet and miserable since it rains alot during the winter here. Anyway..

Need to really do this thing B asked me to do but I want to watch Hollyoaks first.

Have to do the dishes as well. And some washing. Although I couldn't find any. I mean, there wasn't enough for a load. Maybe I'll find more after I've gone through that pile of clothes on the bedroom floor. OMG. How messy can a person be ?

I didn't read my book at all today. Instead, I read the Cosmo. Not all of it but a little more. There's this really good thing about women's sex personalities. Basically it tells you about what kind of sex you crave when you're on the different "stages" of your menstrual cycle. It tells you about the hormonal differences and changes and how it affects on what type of intimacy and sex you want or need. For example..

"Personality 3

The Sensual Goddess

When is it ? Days 15-21 (ovulation)

The Sex You Crave : Touchy-feely, romantic sex. Last week was 'take me now', this week is 'take all day'. Think sex on a rug in the sunshine - with lots of kissing.

Why You Want It : Last week's playful-sex chemicals are waning and a need to be cared for kicks in. "Hormonal priorities have shifted because, biologically, your body hopes you're pregnant (even if you don't) and craves nurturing", explains Dr Booth. Don't fear being less sexually assertive. Embrace this new persona! You want protection, so sensual, cuddly sex is perfect."

There's more but I don't want this to be like 100 pages long.. There are 4 personalities and it explains all the different things for each one of them. It also explains that men don't have any cycles. They are always ready and the testosterone rises in the morning and declines in the afternoon. Then there is a guy who read the whole thing who said this :

"I never understood why women's sexual desires could be so different from one week to the next, but after reading this, it makes a lot more sense! I used to think women's hormones were just an excuse for their erratic behaviour but this has made me realise that's not the case!"

I think every man should read Cosmo. It might make them understand women more. There's a lot about men as well so it's not just for women.

Watching some old episodes of Gossip Girl and I'm starting to feel like I should be doing this "cleaning" up thing we're doing, which isn't actully cleaning but I couldn't think of any other word for it so that'll do.. I'm going to put my foot down and leave this couch now.

Have a very good evening everyone!


Ok so it says that I had the last entry in Large Font but I changed it to a smaller one now because my mom already read it. She wasn't too happy about me doing that so now I'm just going to keep this normal size and all :) Sorry mom.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I mean, I slept a little and for like 10 min at a time. My muscles were cramping all night long. That's how sore they are. And I've still got a killer headache. I took like 4 painkillers yesterday. I probably need to take some more today. Or maybe I should try some muscle relaxant. Maybe it's Swine Flu ?

The symptoms for Swine Flu :
  • fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absent
  • cough
  • runny nose or stuffy nose
  • sore throat
  • body aches
  • headache
  • chills
  • fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
  • diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal flu
I'm almost positive that it's not Swine Flu, but you can never really be sure until you get tested or actually get really ill. I think maybe I just have a normal headache and muscle pains. Probably just upcoming period or something :)

I'm a little worried for B though. There has been 3 people at work who got sick with Swine Flu. What prevents him from being the next "victim" ? Hmm. If he gets sick, he has to stay at home for 10 days and if he gets sick, I might get sick as well. Now that's not good.

I should really put some photos on. Again. I just haven't taken any new ones. But B made an incredible find and soon I'll put on a lot of pictures so you can all see what I'm on about :)

I was watching Dr Phil today. There was an Asian guy on it talking about how his marriage isn't as good as it should be and all that. He said that his wife doesn't understand what he wants, what he feels and what he needs from her. He said that he wanted her to surrender under his ruling and that at home he is the president of the world. He was very upset about his wife opening her own bank account.. See, he thinks women shouldn't have their own money. What the F*CK is that ?! He said that Asian people are the superior in Academics, Black people are the superior in sports and white people are ? Nothing apparently. What an idiot. But wait! that's not all he said...

He also said that Oprah can only say the things she says and do the things she does, because of her money. Not because of herself, because of the money. He said that if she didn't have the money to back herself up, she would be nothing at all and nobody would listen to her. Seriously what an as*hole.

Oh well. I guess Asian people aren't as smart as what he thinks because he had no original thoughts at all. He couldn't give Dr Phil one thought that came from him and not someone else.. All he did was quote other people.

I wish people like that would just die away. The world would be a better place.

I'm going to catch up on some Kendra now. I've been too busy at nights to watch the show so I need to do it now. B comes home so late that we really need to turn off the TV and everything and have a nice convo and a meal and stuff. Have some alone-time you know :) I just watched the episode where she tells her mom she's pregnant. And she gets really angry and upset at Kendra and then Kendra gets upset because it's kinda her decision and not her mom's so .. But they talk it out and everything's fine. Go Kendra Go Kendra ! :)

Have a very nice day everybody !


I'm doing all this in large font so my mom can also read it HAH :)

I can't remember when I last felt this tired. I'm so sore it's unbelievable.. All the muscles in my body are screaming and I seriously think they might actually be dying. Ok that's a little dramatic. But they are close to being zombie muscles if I don't get some rest for them. Too much stress and worries. Got to get rid of some of them to get some peace for my mind, body and soul, so to speak.

God the house is a mess. Why do I feel like all I ever say is that I need to clean the house ? Why can't I keep it clean so I wouldn't actually feel so miserable about having to really clean it every 2 or 3 days ? If I was rich I would seriously consider getting a cleaning lady or something. Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to EVER clean :) But doesn't that just sound lazy ? Hey, maybe that's just me.

I've written a list of all the questions I want an answer to before I die. It's stupid things like if a person floated around in space in their space suits, how long would it take for them to die and how would they die ? Starvation ? Lack of oxygen ? And is there a real possibility of zombies? Not like in movies but like could there be a virus or a bacteria or maybe some kind of parasite that could turn you into a "zombie"- like creature.. It sounds crazy and I feel crazy when I think about it but if you really think about it, you'll be like "maybe there is a chance, I've heard of crazier things" or maybe you'll just think I'm crazy.

Maybe this time of the night isn't the best time for me to write on the blog coz all these weirdo thoughts and questions seem perfectly normal and reasonable. Sometimes they stay that way all through to the next day and then at some point I snap out of it. There are just too many weirdo questions I want an answer to. Wouldn't it be great to know more ? I don't understand people who refuse to learn something new or don't feel like they need to know anything more or what ever. I'm constantly looking for some new information or cool facts or something like that :)

One more thing before I go to bed.

I'm really liking the fashion at the moment. It's completely wrong for my body shape so I wouldn't probably be able to wear them and think I look good but this is the first time ever when I feel like the fashion I see on runways are pretty and that people could actually wear them. Usually the creations are so out of this world that I don't think anybody could or would want to ever see them hanging in their closets but now it's actually pretty good. It's what all the English are wearing everywhere and all the time so maybe it's come from here or something. Or maybe they're just following the fashion way too perfectly. I think it's probably from England. It looks English and yet, it's gorgeous :) Hah. A little joke there.

Now I'm going to go to bed since it's like 3.22 a.m. Maybe tomorrow I could read more of my book and tell you if it's good or not. I don't think You really care coz You probably don't read the kind of books I read but I'll tell you anyway. If I'm in the mood..

Oh and I've been using Twitter for like 2 weeks now ? Can't be asked to go back and check my entries or go onto the Twitter page and check when I first used it so maybe 2 weeks ? Less ? More ? Don't really know and that wasn't the point so who cares. Anyway, so it's good. It can be really boring if the people you follow like to Tweet alot coz then you have like a thousand tweets to go through but otherwise it's pretty cool to see how many people follow you and if you happen to find someone funny like Ben Stiller who I'm following now. He always say the funniest things!

B went to bed now coz he got tired of waiting for me to finish up on this so I really need to go now.
Hopefully You had a very nice weekend!

Friday 14 August 2009

Private Practice.

That's what I'm watching right now.

I should be cleaning but ... Lazy.

I really need to get the bunny's nails cut tomorrow. I should have done it before but I never did and now they are so damn long and sharp that it really hurts to play with him. Maybe I should phone them up tomorrow and see if they've got time to do it in the morning. That would be perfect.

Today we threw something bad away to give room for something good to happen.

OMG. My fantastic trail of thoughts got lost coz this huge horrible flying creature flew into my living room! It's still here, we just don't know where. B is trying to catch it but it keeps getting away. We had a little 'moment' when there was a lot of screaming.. The horribe flying thing caught us off-guard. We were sitting on the couch and it attacked us or something!

5 minutes later ...

B still hasn't caught it. I wish I had a power to kill all insects around me with the power of my mind. Too bad I don't have that power.

Now we're watching some weirdo vampire movie.. Dracula 2000 ? Or something like that. It's about Mary Van Helsing ? I think I'm going to just go to bed and continue with the cleaning in the morning :)

Btw. S and J are alive! They've just been busy. I spoke to them today :)

Have a good night everyone!

Thursday 13 August 2009

Good News!

We got some very good news today! So Happy!

He totally deserves this :)

I'm sitting on the bed and looking through the Argos catalogue and dreaming of all the things in it :) It's got like 1000 pages so it's going to take a while to look through the whole thing :) We don't need to order anything coz we've got everything we need at the moment but it's always nice to know what's out there :)

Tomorrow I really need to clean the house again. I need to clean the bunny out as well. He keeps on smelling all the time .. I guess that's just what bunnies do :) Then I need to do some washing. We should really take B's chef pants into Town to this place where they can make them smaller. He's lost weight since he bought them and now they fall down all the time..

We went to Wilkinsons, in Town the other day (I think I already mentioned that :) ) and I saw the perfume I want. Paris Hilton's Can Can or what ever it's called. I first sniffed it in Finland and it cost 28 € and in Wilkinsons it's only £9.95 !!! Now that's a great price :) I think I need to get me some of that :) Perfumes are definitely a lot cheaper in England!

B still didn't clean the snake out.. Bad Bad Bad! He told me two days ago not to let him forget about it and I did remind him several times and he still didn't do it. Well I'm not doing it.. Hah! So there you have it. She'll never get cleaned out.

Fingerprint safe. That's what I'm hearing about now. B's telling me something about safes. He's reading about them now, in the catalogue. Cool. I just don't have anything to put in a safe :) Hah. Sucker.

I'm getting kinda tired now so I think I'm just going to turn off the laptop and read some pages and then close my eyes and dream of the life I'm someday going to have :) Maybe this Friday when I'm planning to win the lottery! Hah :) Hopefull until the end! Good Night Everybody !

Wednesday 12 August 2009

St Helens.

I left B's bag on the bus on Sunday night. So today we had to go to St Helens to get it. Thank f*ck it was the last bus of the night so the chance of the bag being handed in was something like 95 %.

It only took 10 minutes to locate the bag and now it's safe here where it belongs :)

I've been eating blueberries lately and tomorrow I think I might have some porridge with some tasty blueberries. I still have some strawberries left from the other day and I'm going to eat them with my organic strawberry yogurt.


Then we gave Dorothy her dinner :)

Yesterday we went into Town to get me new leggings. They didn't have any in my size. Only child sizes left. Probably because it's so hot outside now and everybody wants them. Anyway, I'll go back and get them some other time.

I'm so into blueberries now that when we went to do our weekly shopping, I bought some Blueberry and Watermelon Bacardi Breezers, they were 2 for £5 so I just had to get them! :)

Those Bacardi Breezers are so nice! Thankfully they're not too expensive in England :) Sorry Sis! I know you like them as much as I do and they're like a million Euros in Finland..

So yesterday when we went to Town, we looked around to see what kind of stuff we would like to have in our house. I couldn't take pictures of everything because my phone died on me. Isn't that just so annoying ? You don't use your phone at all and it's working on full power and then that one time you need it, it's already died. Murr. Anyway, here you have some pictures :)

This is the set I want.

This is the set B wants.

We also want them. I don't know what they are called but like a tea pot and stuff :) I was going to put more pictures on of the other stuff we looked at but this stupid blog isn't letting me upload any pictures due to an internal error ? What ever. I'll try another day.

We saw this beautiful clock and we definitely want it! I wanted to take a picture of it so bad and I cursed my phone..

I still don't update the blog every day. Why not ? How can I not remember ? Lazy ass.

Watching Two and Half Men. Tomorrow I should really clean the bunny out. He smells.

Hey! A shout out to S and J ! Where are you ?!? I haven't heard anything from you in a loooong time. What's happening ? :)

B got me the new Cosmopolitan. I haven't read it yet. He only got it for me last night so .. :) I would put on a picture but it's still not working. I'll tell you what was good and what was bad about it once I've read it.

Oh and I forgot.. B's parents and his nan came over yesterday. B's parents just came back from Wales so they told us about that. They said they had a really nice time. I haven't ever been there and it would be nice to go sometime. B's nan brought us this little miniatur village thing. It's really pretty. It's meant to be a Christmas decoration so we probably wont have it out until then.. I'll put on a picture of it then :)

Now I'm going to go to bed and read my book. I haven't read that much of it so I can't tell you if it's any good. But the fact that I want to go and read it should tell you something shouldn't it ?

Sending my love to my Mom, who probably wont be able to read all this at the moment. Love You Take Care <3 !