Thursday 15 October 2009


So annoyed. I took pictures of our 3 course meal that my lovely hubby made us and these things we bought and now I can't find the cable to get them out of my phone.

It's not that the house is such a mess that it's like impossible to find something, it's more like we haven't organised all the stuff even tho we've been living here for like 2 months now ? We need to get all of our stuff and find a place for them where we can always find that something we're looking for.

Later on tonight or tomorrow when I find that cable, I'm going to hang it on my bedroom wall and then I'll never lose it again. Hopefully.

B is watching Matrix Reloded on TV.

Today is our day off from work so we got up earlier and went out. We did stuff like go to GT's and get some stuff we needed and then we walked down to the post office and then we walked around the Asda looking at all the stuff. It's been such a long time since we've been down there! We used to go every week and get our weekly shopping done there but now we're never home to eat the food so we just buy what ever we need from our local supermarket. Interesting information, I'm sure.

We got this rolling thing you use to paint with, and we're going to use it to paint the wall in the hall. We got quite a lot of stuff we've needed for a long time but never got around to getting it. Today was a good day :)

Now I'm gonna go look for this cable and then spend the rest of the evening cuddling on the couch, coz it's back to work tomorrow.

Have a very nice EVENING everyone!

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