Wednesday 19 August 2009

Bond, James Bond.

Bond, James Bond.

That's what I'm watching at the moment. Deja-vu. That's what it feels like. Everything always looks the same and all the same things happen, the only thing that changes is the actor. I think Sean Connery is the best one without a doubt.

Hubby's parents came over today. B's nephew was here as well. We went down to the shops to have a look around and then we bought some food for tonight. B is going to make us Pasta Carbonara. Can't wait for that! We had some toasties before so I'm not that hungry right now.. Give it something like 25 min and I'll be starving. Probably after this movie.

E told me I should take pictures of the food we eat and talk about that since that is quite a big part of my life.. B is a chef after all. So yesterday B made us Chili Con Carne and it was soooo good!! I took a picture of it but I'm too lazy to put it on the computer. I'll take a pic of the food today and then tomorrow I'll put them both on :) OK ?

We felt like we wanted something sweet so B whipped up something in the kitchen. Too bad I only thought of taking a picture of it after it was already all gone, but I'll tell you what it was and next time I promise to take a pic. So we had some Angel Delight - Strawberry mousse. It was really good! Next time we'll buy some real strawberries to go with it and it'll taste even better :)

When we were down at the shops, we went to this place B found where they have all the things we want and for so much less money and I bought a Nail Hardening Nail Polish. I'll put that on and some nice colour as well and maybe then my nails will stop breaking and cracking. I don't understand why but suddenly they've started to break and now they're all quite short.. Might be the stress ? That can cause them to break right ? Stress can kill you so why not your nails.. Stress is bad. How to get rid of stress ?

Someone just got stabbed. And now someone is getting shot. Or dropped off the roof or something.

He landed on a car. So he survived being dropped off the roof and then the driver of that car got out and shot him. Not a good day for the dropped guy.

Madagascar - Escape to Africa is a really funny movie. You should all watch that. And also, if you haven't seen it yet, go watch Orphan! You'd never know what is wrong with the child. There's a really sick twist in the end.. Definitely watch that movie!!!

Dimple was out running around today and S-P kicked him in the head. Probably not on purpose and the bunny didn't get hurt or anything like that. I think maybe he just wanted to make the bunny run when he stopped.. It took him forever to apologize for what he did even when B's parents (S-P grandparents) told him they weren't going to leave to get their tea until he'd done that. Eventually he did say he was sorry. It was so funny! Hah. He'd had enough.

It has been very nice for the last two days. B's days off and all. It's always nice to spend some time together without any stress from work or anything else for that matter. We've been watching movies and cleaned the house. We've also been out walking a little bit and had an ice cream and stuff like that :) It's been very nice indeed.

Now it'll be some more James Bond, a little bit of Twitter and ice cold Fanta.

Have a very nice night everyone!

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