Friday 30 October 2009

Late Night.

Still can't upload any pictures. I think it's probably my security settings that aren't allowing me to upload pictures on this website. I can put new pictures on FB so it's not like it's blocking all websites. I guess that means it's not my security settings that are messed up. Annoying.

Anyway, it's half past 3 in the morning already. Should be asleep but I'm not. Too much coughing. And now hubby is sick. He's asleep in the bedroom and I'm still sitting on the couch. Watching Men in Trees. Apparently it's on at 3 in the morning, every morning. And after that I can watch Lipstick Jungle. Bad, bad, bad. Should be sleeping. ANNOYING COUGH!

New episodes of the Hills are now showing on MTV. Two weeks now. So two new episodes have aired. I don't know if I like it now without Lauren. All sanity has escaped the drama. Now it's mainly just girls hooking up with each others ex-boyfriends or current boyfriends or what ever and Spencer the A-hole is being.. well, himself really. Anyway, I'm going to watch it no matter how bad it is. Because I'm hooked. Like millions of other people. Oh and I might check out the new episodes of the City as well. That program might actually be better now that she's stopped being too trusting. Maybe.

Now I'm going to rub some Vicks on my chest, wrap the blanket around me and (hopefully) fall asleep.

Btw. I'll tell you the good and the bad about the two latest Cosmos as soon as I have a minute to read them through. There's a new one coming out soon so I'll have to step it up and read these two.. Good Night.

One other thing. These fu*kers phoned me up and said that my dentist appointment has been cancelled! So now my wisdom tooth will just keep on fu*king up everything and causing problems and pain. Nice. ARGH!

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