Thursday 20 August 2009

Not even possible.

Not even possible that I forgot to take a picture of the Pasta Carbonara. It was so good that I couldn't stop eating it once I tasted a little bit.. I need to get more of it! We've been trying to find new "foods" as in, we want to cook something new instead of making the same food every week and this week we made the Chili Con Carne and Pasta Carbonara. We'll have to wait and see what else we might find.

I'll have to put some pictures on today though. I'll just load them up onto the laptop.

So here is a picture of our Ice Creams we had in St Helens the other day.

Chili Con Carne

I don't know what this is called but it was pretty and I wanted a pic of it :)

We went to this shop with like costumes in it and posters and collectables etc. That part there "POLITICALLY CORRECT" was the funniest part and that's why I took the picture. I'd actually like to have this poster just to have it.. Maybe I'll go back and get it :)

New Fashion In 2010 ? :)

They had walls and walls full of costumes. All kinds. I would love to have a costume party! I just don't know who would want to come.. I mean, I know people would love to come to the party but I don't know if they would take it seriously and actually dress up as something.

We went out on Friday night and the whole Town was dressed up. We saw male nuns and a priest, playboy bunnies, nurses and doctors, a mouse and loads more! All of the costumes were sexy or sexed up except for the priest. He wasn't that sexy since he was covered from head to toe in that costume. But like if you want to dress up here it's OK and it's actually encouraged and all you have to do is go out on a Friday night. You don't even need a party :) Hah.

I'm watching Dr Phil at the moment and they are talking about these girls who go out drinking and then take pictures of themselves at various stages of drunkeness and throwing up and half naked etc. The group you can join if you want to do the same is called "30 Reasons Why A Girl Should Call It A Night" and here is one of those group pages. Stupid people.

They're saying that it's not going to prevent them from getting a job because the employer should give them a chance and recognize that the pictures are of their personal life and choices and that the pictures don't reflect the way they act on the job or of their ability to do a good job. Fu*king idiots!

I'm hungry. So now I'm going to go make some lunch. Noodles ? Or the rest of the Chili Con Carne ? I don't think that's going to be a tough choice :) I'll put some more pictures on later or tomorrow :) Have a nice day everyone!

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