Monday 17 August 2009


I'm doing all this in large font so my mom can also read it HAH :)

I can't remember when I last felt this tired. I'm so sore it's unbelievable.. All the muscles in my body are screaming and I seriously think they might actually be dying. Ok that's a little dramatic. But they are close to being zombie muscles if I don't get some rest for them. Too much stress and worries. Got to get rid of some of them to get some peace for my mind, body and soul, so to speak.

God the house is a mess. Why do I feel like all I ever say is that I need to clean the house ? Why can't I keep it clean so I wouldn't actually feel so miserable about having to really clean it every 2 or 3 days ? If I was rich I would seriously consider getting a cleaning lady or something. Life would be so much easier if I didn't have to EVER clean :) But doesn't that just sound lazy ? Hey, maybe that's just me.

I've written a list of all the questions I want an answer to before I die. It's stupid things like if a person floated around in space in their space suits, how long would it take for them to die and how would they die ? Starvation ? Lack of oxygen ? And is there a real possibility of zombies? Not like in movies but like could there be a virus or a bacteria or maybe some kind of parasite that could turn you into a "zombie"- like creature.. It sounds crazy and I feel crazy when I think about it but if you really think about it, you'll be like "maybe there is a chance, I've heard of crazier things" or maybe you'll just think I'm crazy.

Maybe this time of the night isn't the best time for me to write on the blog coz all these weirdo thoughts and questions seem perfectly normal and reasonable. Sometimes they stay that way all through to the next day and then at some point I snap out of it. There are just too many weirdo questions I want an answer to. Wouldn't it be great to know more ? I don't understand people who refuse to learn something new or don't feel like they need to know anything more or what ever. I'm constantly looking for some new information or cool facts or something like that :)

One more thing before I go to bed.

I'm really liking the fashion at the moment. It's completely wrong for my body shape so I wouldn't probably be able to wear them and think I look good but this is the first time ever when I feel like the fashion I see on runways are pretty and that people could actually wear them. Usually the creations are so out of this world that I don't think anybody could or would want to ever see them hanging in their closets but now it's actually pretty good. It's what all the English are wearing everywhere and all the time so maybe it's come from here or something. Or maybe they're just following the fashion way too perfectly. I think it's probably from England. It looks English and yet, it's gorgeous :) Hah. A little joke there.

Now I'm going to go to bed since it's like 3.22 a.m. Maybe tomorrow I could read more of my book and tell you if it's good or not. I don't think You really care coz You probably don't read the kind of books I read but I'll tell you anyway. If I'm in the mood..

Oh and I've been using Twitter for like 2 weeks now ? Can't be asked to go back and check my entries or go onto the Twitter page and check when I first used it so maybe 2 weeks ? Less ? More ? Don't really know and that wasn't the point so who cares. Anyway, so it's good. It can be really boring if the people you follow like to Tweet alot coz then you have like a thousand tweets to go through but otherwise it's pretty cool to see how many people follow you and if you happen to find someone funny like Ben Stiller who I'm following now. He always say the funniest things!

B went to bed now coz he got tired of waiting for me to finish up on this so I really need to go now.
Hopefully You had a very nice weekend!

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