Monday 17 August 2009


Ok so it says that I had the last entry in Large Font but I changed it to a smaller one now because my mom already read it. She wasn't too happy about me doing that so now I'm just going to keep this normal size and all :) Sorry mom.

I didn't sleep at all last night. I mean, I slept a little and for like 10 min at a time. My muscles were cramping all night long. That's how sore they are. And I've still got a killer headache. I took like 4 painkillers yesterday. I probably need to take some more today. Or maybe I should try some muscle relaxant. Maybe it's Swine Flu ?

The symptoms for Swine Flu :
  • fever, which is usually high, but unlike seasonal flu, is sometimes absent
  • cough
  • runny nose or stuffy nose
  • sore throat
  • body aches
  • headache
  • chills
  • fatigue or tiredness, which can be extreme
  • diarrhea and vomiting, sometimes, but more commonly seen than with seasonal flu
I'm almost positive that it's not Swine Flu, but you can never really be sure until you get tested or actually get really ill. I think maybe I just have a normal headache and muscle pains. Probably just upcoming period or something :)

I'm a little worried for B though. There has been 3 people at work who got sick with Swine Flu. What prevents him from being the next "victim" ? Hmm. If he gets sick, he has to stay at home for 10 days and if he gets sick, I might get sick as well. Now that's not good.

I should really put some photos on. Again. I just haven't taken any new ones. But B made an incredible find and soon I'll put on a lot of pictures so you can all see what I'm on about :)

I was watching Dr Phil today. There was an Asian guy on it talking about how his marriage isn't as good as it should be and all that. He said that his wife doesn't understand what he wants, what he feels and what he needs from her. He said that he wanted her to surrender under his ruling and that at home he is the president of the world. He was very upset about his wife opening her own bank account.. See, he thinks women shouldn't have their own money. What the F*CK is that ?! He said that Asian people are the superior in Academics, Black people are the superior in sports and white people are ? Nothing apparently. What an idiot. But wait! that's not all he said...

He also said that Oprah can only say the things she says and do the things she does, because of her money. Not because of herself, because of the money. He said that if she didn't have the money to back herself up, she would be nothing at all and nobody would listen to her. Seriously what an as*hole.

Oh well. I guess Asian people aren't as smart as what he thinks because he had no original thoughts at all. He couldn't give Dr Phil one thought that came from him and not someone else.. All he did was quote other people.

I wish people like that would just die away. The world would be a better place.

I'm going to catch up on some Kendra now. I've been too busy at nights to watch the show so I need to do it now. B comes home so late that we really need to turn off the TV and everything and have a nice convo and a meal and stuff. Have some alone-time you know :) I just watched the episode where she tells her mom she's pregnant. And she gets really angry and upset at Kendra and then Kendra gets upset because it's kinda her decision and not her mom's so .. But they talk it out and everything's fine. Go Kendra Go Kendra ! :)

Have a very nice day everybody !

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