Monday 17 August 2009

S as in SOON!

Can't wait !

S is coming over in a matter of days. Something like 17 or 18 days right ? It's going to be nice to have my Big Brother closer :) We'll be able to spend some time together. It's going to be great! Hopefully we'll still get some sunshine instead of this rain so he'll actually see some rain-free England :) He'll be here for nearly a year but half of that time will be very wet and miserable since it rains alot during the winter here. Anyway..

Need to really do this thing B asked me to do but I want to watch Hollyoaks first.

Have to do the dishes as well. And some washing. Although I couldn't find any. I mean, there wasn't enough for a load. Maybe I'll find more after I've gone through that pile of clothes on the bedroom floor. OMG. How messy can a person be ?

I didn't read my book at all today. Instead, I read the Cosmo. Not all of it but a little more. There's this really good thing about women's sex personalities. Basically it tells you about what kind of sex you crave when you're on the different "stages" of your menstrual cycle. It tells you about the hormonal differences and changes and how it affects on what type of intimacy and sex you want or need. For example..

"Personality 3

The Sensual Goddess

When is it ? Days 15-21 (ovulation)

The Sex You Crave : Touchy-feely, romantic sex. Last week was 'take me now', this week is 'take all day'. Think sex on a rug in the sunshine - with lots of kissing.

Why You Want It : Last week's playful-sex chemicals are waning and a need to be cared for kicks in. "Hormonal priorities have shifted because, biologically, your body hopes you're pregnant (even if you don't) and craves nurturing", explains Dr Booth. Don't fear being less sexually assertive. Embrace this new persona! You want protection, so sensual, cuddly sex is perfect."

There's more but I don't want this to be like 100 pages long.. There are 4 personalities and it explains all the different things for each one of them. It also explains that men don't have any cycles. They are always ready and the testosterone rises in the morning and declines in the afternoon. Then there is a guy who read the whole thing who said this :

"I never understood why women's sexual desires could be so different from one week to the next, but after reading this, it makes a lot more sense! I used to think women's hormones were just an excuse for their erratic behaviour but this has made me realise that's not the case!"

I think every man should read Cosmo. It might make them understand women more. There's a lot about men as well so it's not just for women.

Watching some old episodes of Gossip Girl and I'm starting to feel like I should be doing this "cleaning" up thing we're doing, which isn't actully cleaning but I couldn't think of any other word for it so that'll do.. I'm going to put my foot down and leave this couch now.

Have a very good evening everyone!

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