Tuesday 4 September 2012

Plans are coming together.

I've got travel fever! It's been such a long time since I went abroad, that I really think it's time to go. The plans are definitely coming together. Travel Insurance - Check. Flights - Check. Train tickets - Check. Luggage - Still working on it. Obviously there are still a few things that need sorting out, but mostly it's all done. Still need to make a trip to the police station, and soon, but other than that DONE.

I couldn't post anything on Friday, because after working all day, we went bargain hunting. We got such good deals (even though we spent quite a lot) and got so much cool stuff we really needed or wanted. Then we got some beers, went to drop all the stuff off at home, went to get I and S and went home. Then we sat there for hours listening to music while the boys had a drink, while us girls tried our hardest to stay awake. 

Saturday I was in work. After work we went to Pietarsaari for dinner and then went back home to get wasted. We listened to music and danced a little bit. It was a great night! Although, I don't think I should drink tequila for a little while.. I did polish off nearly the whole bottle on my own, so that might have had something to do with how the night ended.. We'll do it all again this weekend. 

Sunday I was fucking hangover like you wouldn't believe. I was dying on the couch watching Iron Man 1 & 2 Plus Avengers with I and B. B made some food for us, since we were in a coma. I had a great movie day though.. We've had quite a few of those. Not always hangover if I might add.

Monday I was in work, and after work we went bargain hunting again. This time we went to two different places, and found some good deals and nice stuff. We got me a night stand and this Sony home theater or whatever it's called. We're still working on trying to get it to work but other than that, it's awesome. I actually have pictures of the night stand and this jewelry box B got me, but they are on my phone, which I cannot plug into our PC in work, and therefore cannot get the pictures. But I'll try my hardest to remember to put them on tonight when I get home. It'll be quite late since I'm going to go help B and wont be home until 9 or something.. But at least I'm not making promises I can't keep, I just told you I would try.

Now it's time to do some work again. You'll (maybe) see the pics later. Have a great Day!

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