Sunday 30 September 2012

Travel Diary Part Three

So we made it to Tampere in one piece, and like 10 minutes early. That would have been great, if we came to town for some other reason than to catch a flight. Nothing beats this feeling - finding out the first bus to the airport leaves at 9.20 and we're stuck at the train station, unless we want to pay for a taxi (30€-40€). So now we're sat here with all these other people, just waiting for the kiosk to open at 7.30. We desperately need a drink - we forgot the pop at home.

I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do for the next 3 hours though. We've got more movies to watch, but we're so fucking tired - can't consentrate on anything right now. Sorry for all possible spelling mistakes - I'm too tired to check my spelling and correct the errors.

When we were walking down to the train station back in Kokkola, I was thinking about this moment - when the train journey has ended and we're here waiting for the bus. Now there is this wait, then the bus ride and then all the airport stuff. But we don't have to wait around at the airport - we get there for like 9.50 and our flight leaves at 11.40. This would have been a lot easier if we just drove here.. And would probably have cost the same amount for petrol and parking, than it is for trains and other transport. Or maybe not. Airport parking is fucking expensive, right?

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