Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sick maybe?

I don't know what's wrong with me. Nothing I eat, stays in. It was like that yesterday, and this morning I was carefully hopeful that maybe it was a glitch of some kind and would only last for a day - but no. There is definitely something wrong, and I'm not taking any chances - wont eat anything today. This sucks. And it's cold and rainy outside. Everything is shit today. No, not really - just feeling down I suppose.

Those pictures of the night stand and what not, were taken at night with my phone, which doesn't have flash (another reason for a new phone) and therefore quite dark. But at least you got pictures :)

I went to work after work yesterday. Today I'm going straight home after work, maybe eat something (depending on how I feel) and do some cleaning. Not really cleaning, but there's a few things that need putting away and also the big wardrobe is a mess. That really needs sorting out. For sure.

                                                This is not our closet, but you get the idea.

They say we're getting some sunshine and warmth this weekend, which is perfect since I'm off Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. A long weekend. Hopefully our promises are fulfilled, and we get some nice weather. Might be the last of it before the oh so pretty snow - followed by ice and wind and cold and COLD. Fucking winter.

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