Thursday 30 August 2012

Working like a motherfucker

I'm in work right now. I'll be here most of next month as well. I'm loving it! But at the moment it's so damn quiet in here, that I can literally hear my brain shutting down.

I need to decide which phone to get. There are so many to choose from.. And now, Samsung just came out with their new Windows 8 phone, making it even harder to decide. I think I should at least wait for this Windows phone to arrive, to see what it's like. I don't care for the Nokia ones - only because I've had a Samsung for so long, I don't think I could cope with a Nokia anymore. Too many to choose from - Galaxy S 2 or Galaxy S 3 or this new one or Note or....... Damn.

That is really what's on my mind at the moment. I really don't have anything interesting to blog about - I just wanted something to do.

J just had a surgery, and is off sick, so I took Miisu and Emi there this morning before coming to work. I thought it would be nice for him to have some company for the day. He can have them every day if he wants, all they do otherwise is sleep at home bored with nothing to do, while B and I are in work. At least now they have some company and some stuff to play with. Hopefully J gets better soon!

It doesn't look promising.. We might not win this competition today. No one won yesterday, and I think the same might happen today. There's been literally nothing happening for a few hours, so it seems impossible for anyone to get to the finish line during the few hours left. Shit.

Nothing more to report. Don't have anything better for you today I'm afraid.

At least it's not raining like a motherfucker.

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