Sunday 30 September 2012

Travel Diary Part Two

I know it hasn't been that long since the first part, but there is literally nothing to do and we're fucking tired. The good news is that the butterflies are gone - all that's left is extreme tiredness. I thought Battery (energy drink) was supposed to keep you going - but apparently not. Even when you drink it at midnight, you'll still be very tired at 3.30 in the morning. Bad guy brain. The one thing I forgot to get - those things you put over your eyes that make it dark. I've never had them - I don't think I've ever even seen them - so I don't know what they are called. But all the lights in the train are on, and I can't sleep when it's this bright. How all these other people managed to fall asleep, I will never understand.

There's some fucking guy a few rows behind us, and he's got this nasty (LOUD) cough, and it's really pissing me off. There's also some other guy, who keeps making weird noises every now and then - probably in his sleep - still, just as annoying.

I swear the train nearly flew off the rails just then. The speed we're traveling at, seems way too fast - could just be me being overly tired, anxious about traveling and fucking bored.

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