Wednesday 26 September 2012

Universe, Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

There are so many things the Universe has fucked up, and more things it could've fucked up without care - but interfering with my holiday plans is unforgivable. I mean, come on! Why not make me stay sick for 2 weeks, or make it rain every day since I'm forced to walk in it, or maybe make the cats go crazy the night before we leave, so that we get no sleep and still have to travel for a long time? All of these things it could have done, but instead it decided to fuck with the one thing that was off limits. My fucking holiday, you asshole. The problem doesn't have immediate affect on us, but it might make the already iffy train schedules, even worse. I mean, does this look promising?

You've got to be kidding me. B has been telling me all about these floods all week, and apparently it's a nationwide happening. This can not happen. Seriously, just give me a break. I'm forever hopeful, that the rain will subside and the floods will disappear before we go, but the weather forecast made it clear - more rain to follow. This is such bullshit. We had a talk last night, and B agrees with me - we'll go no matter what. OK, obviously if it's like 'HOLY SHIT! ENGLAND IS UNDER WATER', we won't go, but if it continues the way it is now, it'll be fine. Where cars, buses or trains don't travel - we can leg it. I don't give a chainsaw.

That previous picture was taken within 48 hours, and this one was taken in July. But what we could see and hear, it's the same story now, and this picture just looked better than the others (better = less floods) and that is why it made it on to this post. Just look at this shit!

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