Sunday 23 September 2012

Dear Universe

Would you please stop fucking our lives up?! We understand you have the ultimate power, but there is no need to only use it for screwing things up.

We can fix everything you fuck up, but it's not something we enjoy doing. It costs us time and money - time we don't really want to lose and money we really don't have. So please, stop fucking our lives up.


This weekend was probably the last weekend at the old "summer house", and we didn't get to go. Our car broke - it still runs but it might stop at any point, so too risky to drive it - and no one could come and get us. AND I've got the Flu. Like seriously, give me a fucking break.

Tomorrow is the start of the last week before holiday. One more week. Fuck yeah.

People lived happily ever after before cellphones, and now we can't live without them. Your phone breaks and needs to be serviced - you're panicking for the duration of the service period. That's how it is with me and the car. Before I had one, I was happy to bike and walk everywhere - and not go anywhere further, like visit my sister - but now that I don't have a car, it feels like I've lost some of my freedom. That actually makes sense, because now we can't go where ever we want, when ever we want. Holy shit. We'll buy a car before October is over.

Hopefully it doesn't rain this upcoming week. Biking or walking to work on rainy days - NOT fun. We'll see what happens.

Now it's X Factor (UK) time. Fuck Yeah.

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1 comment:

  1. Kyllä se aurinko paistaa vielä risukasaan :)
    kaikki järjestyy
