Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tomorrow's the Day!

I can't wait! Tomorrow I finally get J all to myself for many hours. I get to feed her and burp her and hold her and and and. I'm loving it!

I should be asleep right now. I need to wake up so fucking early. I don't think I'll ever get used to getting up really early - at least not until I have children and have to get up when they decide it's time. I think I might need a few EDs before being fully fuctioning.

The Voice started up again. They've got really good artists this year, and they also get to pick 16 people on their teams. I was watching it today, and realized something - there's a lot of big artists out there that haven't got good vocals, and here's a show that you can only be part of IF you have good vocals. Still only one person wins. I haven't checked what last years finalists and winner have done since the show, but I truly hope they get some of the action - instead of these fucking autotuned teenage hipsters. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really good, just not the majority.

I really need to get some sleep now. But I'm fucking sure about one thing - J is gonna sleep through the whole time I have her, and only wake up for her mummy, so I'll have plenty of time to update the blog. Perhaps with some pictures. Maybe.

Good night.

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