Wednesday 12 September 2012

You got me!

I have come to this conclusion - I suck at writing this blog.

I just don't get it how people come up with something interesting, or at least something new everyday and then find the time to blog about all these cool things. Maybe it's easier if you're writing about fashion ( - never sleeps) or decorating ( - always evolving). I just don't seem to find one thing to write about. Maybe if I had a baby, I'd have more to tell, since babies do something cool everyday. Hmm. Maybe not a sufficient enough reason to have a child.

S was not happy with me yesterday. I glimpsed at her phone at the very moment she was checking my blog, and asked her if it's annoying to see Sick maybe? every time she goes on it. She said yes. She also said - 'You said you were really bored in work and had no customers, so you totally could have updated your blog'. She was right. We are actually quite busy a lot of the time or I need to do real work, but I can totally find the time on my lunch break or just do it during the times it's slow. Argh. So annoying - why can't I ever stick to anything? Fucking hell.

Everybody's waiting for the iPhone to be presented to the world. Apparently that happens around 8 pm our time. That's awesome. I would never personally buy an iPhone but it'll be cool to see what it's like.

We are so excited! You wouldn't even believe how much we've waited for this up coming holiday. It's the first in 2 years for B. He is literally counting the days (probably the hours but too embarrassed to admit) and I'm just really excited. I miss traveling. We've planned some stuff, not a lot. Haven't bought everything we need. I know, still haven't bought everything. How lame. But there's still 18 days before we leave this beautiful country, so there'll be plenty of time.. Actually, I'm working like every day until the day we leave, so I don't really know when we'll have the time.. But I could use my lunch break for all that. Hmm.

I also found out that I can drive in England. Since 1998 they've made drivers licences that work all over Europe so I'm fine. Actually, I'm not drive in England. They drive on the wrong side, the roads are really narrow and there's a lot of buses. Shit. Fuckedy fuck. But I might be OK. Or at least not die. We'll see. There might not be any reason for me to drive there, since I can't even rent a car (I'm under 25) and not a lot of people we know, have a car.

S has these new shoes I'm dying to get. She even said it's OK if we have the same pair. It used to be a big problem when we lived in the same household, but now that we live so far away (far = 20km), there is no problem. And that is fucking amazing, coz I really want those shoes. I might get them today after work. No, I WILL get them today after work. In just 6,5 hours. Fuck yeah.

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