Monday 24 September 2012

The Universe Sucks Part 2

Even though my last post started with 'Dear Universe', this is the sequel. Because obviously the universe wasn't done with the shit-throwing.

S and J still have to suffer for something they didn't do - something they couldn't have predicted, let alone prevent - and there is no end in sight. Not because nothing is being done about the problem, but there is only so much to be done right now, and getting rid of this shit, will take longer than it should. Why does it seem like, if you have money - as in, if you're rich - problems get sorted quicker? Or at least it's a lot easier and less messy? I've always thought, that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is - and there is probably some kind of downside or catch to the deal - but I never thought it could be this big of a catch. Shitty shitty Fuck fuck.

When you're running you're own business, you have to be fucking careful about contracts and employees. You have to follow the law and not break any rules. You cannot fuck over your employees or do illegal contracts or what not. So why (WHYYYYY), is it OK for the government to break the rules they've set for others? To violate the laws they've come up with, that others need to follow? I just don't understand. I want justice and fairness. I can't stand politics - because politicians are never honest or fair. I will never be a part of any type of religion - they all claim to be the ones who are fair and loving - yet kill innocent people because they refuse their god(s). How is that justice? Or fair? I am completely baffled. I don't understand. Why do people break the law? WHY do those who MADE these laws, BREAK them? FUCKING FRUSTRATING.

Enough. I have no more energy to be angry.. out loud. I will keep moving these thoughts around in my head for the next.. Hmm. Lifetime. I just don't understand. I can't understand. It's impossible to understand the incomprehensible. Sigh.

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