Friday 14 September 2012

Stupid People

I think it's disrespectful and truly annoying, when customers come into the shop when it's clearly not open. NEWS FLASH: 9.47 is NOT the same as 10. That is when we open the shop, and that is when customers are welcome. It's the fucking retards who come in before 10 and crawl under the half open door. Like COME ON. I would never ever do that. I don't have the nerve to walk in somewhere before they open, especially when it says; Opening Times 10AM fucking retards! Argh. I am literally so annoyed by these people, I might just throw someone out of the shop, if they're here before 10. Fuck you.

Enough ranting.

I was just about to ask S for something to do in work. It's been really slow this week - a lot of cleaning and doing everything and anything we can to pass the time - and because we've done so much every day, there is really nothing left to do. I'm literally reading the Cosmopolitan in work. I've checked Twitter like a million times. If I had asked S for something to do, she would've just told me to update the blog. So once again, I'm beating her to it.

It's too bad my Big Brother is out of town. It would have been nice to go around for a drink or just to wish him a happy BDay in person. But he'll be back this weekend maybe? At least I'm hoping he's back then, because the family is (probably) going to the new "summer house" for my Little Sisters BDay celebration (coffee and cake more than likely). It would be great if he could also be there.

I need to make a list. I know what you're thinking; "Need to make a list?" or maybe just "A list?", but now I literally have to make one. I only have the late afternoon to get everything we still need, so I need to plan how I'm gonna have time for everything. I need to buy a coat for Autumn, but not the kind you're thinking - the kind that is good for the wind and rain a.k.a England. Then there's the adapter and cable and Rucksack and blaablaablaa. Too many things but it's OK - S already promised to come with me. First we do her thing - ME BABYSITTING - and then we'll do my thing.

Now I'm going to go find out, if there is something (work-related) I could do, other than do nothing on the computer. It's getting a bit lame now. And I really don't feel like reading the Cosmo all day long. Obviously I do feel like doing nothing, surf the net, read twitter, read Cosmo etc but I'd rather do that at home, and do some actual work in work. Hopefully that Boss of mine, can find something for me to do.

It's raining, but have a nice day anyway.

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