Monday 17 September 2012

One day too late... congratulate my Little Sister for her BDay. It was yesterday. And it was a Sunday, so I had all the time in the world to write something about her..

My Little Sister and I have always been close. I've never been closer to anyone. She knows all my secrets, understands all my weirdness and tolerates my every tantrum. We've been through thick and thin together, she's helped me through so much and I really couldn't do without her.

She is one of the strongest people I've ever met. She's been through something I don't think I ever could survive, and she still seems to always find the sunshine behind the clouds. She is beautiful inside and out. I couldn't even imagine a better Sister; someone who is always there for you, honest and loyal, and never turns their back on you.

She is a true inspiration - a mother, a sister, (one day) a wife - and I Love Her more than these words could ever mean. I Love You Little Sister!

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