Sunday 30 September 2012

Travel Diary Part Four

We are at the airport. Finally! It almost seemed like we would never make it all the way here. But we did. We had some insanely expensive paninis and bought DRINKS for the flight, and now we are first in line to board - right after the priority boarders of course. We'll have to stand here for the next 45 minutes to keep our spot, but it's worth it - insuring we get seats next to each other.

There's this flight, then a bus, then a train and then two short taxi rides and we're there. Hopefully we manage to get some sleep on the plane, otherwise will be knackered by the time we land. Not like we aren't knackered now, but later we'll be more so..

I'm missing my babies already - that's the reason for the kitty pics. But on this post I decided to put on The Three Stages Of The Train Station Wait by Brian.

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Travel Diary Part Three

So we made it to Tampere in one piece, and like 10 minutes early. That would have been great, if we came to town for some other reason than to catch a flight. Nothing beats this feeling - finding out the first bus to the airport leaves at 9.20 and we're stuck at the train station, unless we want to pay for a taxi (30€-40€). So now we're sat here with all these other people, just waiting for the kiosk to open at 7.30. We desperately need a drink - we forgot the pop at home.

I don't know what the fuck we're gonna do for the next 3 hours though. We've got more movies to watch, but we're so fucking tired - can't consentrate on anything right now. Sorry for all possible spelling mistakes - I'm too tired to check my spelling and correct the errors.

When we were walking down to the train station back in Kokkola, I was thinking about this moment - when the train journey has ended and we're here waiting for the bus. Now there is this wait, then the bus ride and then all the airport stuff. But we don't have to wait around at the airport - we get there for like 9.50 and our flight leaves at 11.40. This would have been a lot easier if we just drove here.. And would probably have cost the same amount for petrol and parking, than it is for trains and other transport. Or maybe not. Airport parking is fucking expensive, right?

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Travel Diary Part Two

I know it hasn't been that long since the first part, but there is literally nothing to do and we're fucking tired. The good news is that the butterflies are gone - all that's left is extreme tiredness. I thought Battery (energy drink) was supposed to keep you going - but apparently not. Even when you drink it at midnight, you'll still be very tired at 3.30 in the morning. Bad guy brain. The one thing I forgot to get - those things you put over your eyes that make it dark. I've never had them - I don't think I've ever even seen them - so I don't know what they are called. But all the lights in the train are on, and I can't sleep when it's this bright. How all these other people managed to fall asleep, I will never understand.

There's some fucking guy a few rows behind us, and he's got this nasty (LOUD) cough, and it's really pissing me off. There's also some other guy, who keeps making weird noises every now and then - probably in his sleep - still, just as annoying.

I swear the train nearly flew off the rails just then. The speed we're traveling at, seems way too fast - could just be me being overly tired, anxious about traveling and fucking bored.

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Travel Diary Part One

We are officially on our way towards our adventurous holiday! 

I have to get this over with and admit - I have been a total wreck for the past few hours and I don't know when the nervous butterflies will fly away. Hopefully they'll soon transform into excitement and happiness.

We are starting our journey with a movie - The Joneses. We've already seen this, but I thought we'd start with something familiar to calm me down.

The train is moving and the butterflies are flying away. More to follow.

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Friday 28 September 2012

iPhone 5

As the Title suggests, the iPhone 5 came out today. I mean, it was revealed to the world earlier this month, but we started selling it today. We were expecting a small crowd to storm into the shop this morning, but that  didn't happen. Don't get me wrong, there was quite a few customers after the iPhone and I sold 6 of them in an hour. But I was alone for the first hour, so I was glad the shop wasn't swamped. There is quite a lot of hype surrounding the new iPhone, but the price is something that stops a lot of the customers from buying the phone. Especially when they've checked the prices in the US. It's a ridiculously low price over there, and a ridiculously high price over here. Thankfully I'm more of a Samsung kind of girl - costs less and in my personal opinion, you get more for your money.

The rain hasn't let up in England. I mean, B would have told me all about the new towns getting swept away by water and all, right? He is the one reading all the news and weather - maybe I should also look into it, just to know what's happening. Hmm.

I'm working tomorrow - B has the day off. We have to do some laundry tonight, so it'll have all day tomorrow to dry out, ready for our holiday. We haven't packed anything. We haven't done anything. The suitcases are sitting in our hallway, ready to be used, but we haven't actually done much to prepare for our journey across the waters. I have done some of the practical stuff - I put all the travel documents, passports and money into one folder - but other than that, not much. We made a list (what a surprise, right?!) about what we want to bring with us - half of the packing done, right there - so we have a pretty good idea about what needs to be washed and then we'll just stuff everything in the suitcase just before we leave. Great way to start a holiday - leave everything to the last minute, then rush like a madman to get everything done, and then at the airport remember what you forgot.

I need to still buy one box of cat food and dye my hair. I'll get those on the way home today and dye my hair as soon as I get home, so it's done, and then I can try and do some packing. B would love it if I actually had most of it done by tonight - no worrying about it tomorrow - and I agree about doing it today, because if we find that we're missing something or need to still get something or do something, we have all day tomorrow to do it. Packing is obviously what I'm talking about. Have a few drinks after work and relax. Shit! I need to put the Twilight movies on the SD card - B will fall asleep at some point, and then it's my time to watch Twilight.. for the millionth time - as well as the other movies. I need to empty my cameras SD card - it's full - because I'm probably gonna be taking a million pictures. I know what you're thinking; 'She won't take pictures, even though she always she's she will - but this time I'm on holiday, so I'm really going to take some, I Promise.

Now it's back to work. Or to do some more work before I leave in like 15 minutes. Have a great day!

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Universe, Are You Fucking Kidding Me?

There are so many things the Universe has fucked up, and more things it could've fucked up without care - but interfering with my holiday plans is unforgivable. I mean, come on! Why not make me stay sick for 2 weeks, or make it rain every day since I'm forced to walk in it, or maybe make the cats go crazy the night before we leave, so that we get no sleep and still have to travel for a long time? All of these things it could have done, but instead it decided to fuck with the one thing that was off limits. My fucking holiday, you asshole. The problem doesn't have immediate affect on us, but it might make the already iffy train schedules, even worse. I mean, does this look promising?

You've got to be kidding me. B has been telling me all about these floods all week, and apparently it's a nationwide happening. This can not happen. Seriously, just give me a break. I'm forever hopeful, that the rain will subside and the floods will disappear before we go, but the weather forecast made it clear - more rain to follow. This is such bullshit. We had a talk last night, and B agrees with me - we'll go no matter what. OK, obviously if it's like 'HOLY SHIT! ENGLAND IS UNDER WATER', we won't go, but if it continues the way it is now, it'll be fine. Where cars, buses or trains don't travel - we can leg it. I don't give a chainsaw.

That previous picture was taken within 48 hours, and this one was taken in July. But what we could see and hear, it's the same story now, and this picture just looked better than the others (better = less floods) and that is why it made it on to this post. Just look at this shit!

Tuesday 25 September 2012

The Results Are In..

.. and it's good news! Not that inventory was perfect, but nagging does make a difference. Things were a lot better this year and it's all do to nagging. Fuck yeah. Women have been right about nagging, and men should really respect us (not everyone, since some women just nag for no reason) for this, because we only do it to help you. Pick up on that men, please.

I came across a new program that I like. I ran out of episodes on all the programs I watch, and the ones that were on break, are only slowly starting up again. But it's OK, because now I have a full season of episodes to watch - Suburgatory Season 1. It's about a teenage girl and her dad, who move to the suburbs, and don't really fit in. They're from New York, and the teenager wants to go back. It's a lot like Awkward and that's why I like it so much.

I'm going to town with S and J today. Need to get through the rest of the To Do - list and today is my last chance, since it's the only day I'm off work. The inventory doesn't count, because it was just a few hours in the morning. But before going to town - more Suburgatory.

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Early Morning Wake Up

It is finally here.. Big inventory. We'll finally see the results of my nagging, and if the inventory goes well and nothing's missing, we'll know once and for all - nagging does make a difference. Men tend to pay more attention to what they are doing, if they think a misstep could cause more nagging. Isn't it strange, that men will only do what is right, because they don't want to get nagged at, not because it's the right thing to do?

It's starting to feel like, everything I want to do or sign up for, starts really early in the morning. Or at least require me to get up really early in the morning. Does this mean, that I'm becoming an adult? I mean - full grown, ready to raise kids and have a house - adult? It seems that my folks are up really early in the morning - every fucking day - so it would make sense, if adulthood automatically meant getting up early in the morning..

Maybe it's too early for blogging though. Feels like I'm talking gibberish. J is picking me up - since the car is completely fucked - and he'll be here soon, so gotta run.

Btw. It's fucking cold outside!

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Monday 24 September 2012

The Universe Sucks Part 2

Even though my last post started with 'Dear Universe', this is the sequel. Because obviously the universe wasn't done with the shit-throwing.

S and J still have to suffer for something they didn't do - something they couldn't have predicted, let alone prevent - and there is no end in sight. Not because nothing is being done about the problem, but there is only so much to be done right now, and getting rid of this shit, will take longer than it should. Why does it seem like, if you have money - as in, if you're rich - problems get sorted quicker? Or at least it's a lot easier and less messy? I've always thought, that if something seems too good to be true, it probably is - and there is probably some kind of downside or catch to the deal - but I never thought it could be this big of a catch. Shitty shitty Fuck fuck.

When you're running you're own business, you have to be fucking careful about contracts and employees. You have to follow the law and not break any rules. You cannot fuck over your employees or do illegal contracts or what not. So why (WHYYYYY), is it OK for the government to break the rules they've set for others? To violate the laws they've come up with, that others need to follow? I just don't understand. I want justice and fairness. I can't stand politics - because politicians are never honest or fair. I will never be a part of any type of religion - they all claim to be the ones who are fair and loving - yet kill innocent people because they refuse their god(s). How is that justice? Or fair? I am completely baffled. I don't understand. Why do people break the law? WHY do those who MADE these laws, BREAK them? FUCKING FRUSTRATING.

Enough. I have no more energy to be angry.. out loud. I will keep moving these thoughts around in my head for the next.. Hmm. Lifetime. I just don't understand. I can't understand. It's impossible to understand the incomprehensible. Sigh.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Dear Universe

Would you please stop fucking our lives up?! We understand you have the ultimate power, but there is no need to only use it for screwing things up.

We can fix everything you fuck up, but it's not something we enjoy doing. It costs us time and money - time we don't really want to lose and money we really don't have. So please, stop fucking our lives up.


This weekend was probably the last weekend at the old "summer house", and we didn't get to go. Our car broke - it still runs but it might stop at any point, so too risky to drive it - and no one could come and get us. AND I've got the Flu. Like seriously, give me a fucking break.

Tomorrow is the start of the last week before holiday. One more week. Fuck yeah.

People lived happily ever after before cellphones, and now we can't live without them. Your phone breaks and needs to be serviced - you're panicking for the duration of the service period. That's how it is with me and the car. Before I had one, I was happy to bike and walk everywhere - and not go anywhere further, like visit my sister - but now that I don't have a car, it feels like I've lost some of my freedom. That actually makes sense, because now we can't go where ever we want, when ever we want. Holy shit. We'll buy a car before October is over.

Hopefully it doesn't rain this upcoming week. Biking or walking to work on rainy days - NOT fun. We'll see what happens.

Now it's X Factor (UK) time. Fuck Yeah.

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Friday 21 September 2012

Sick Definitely!

There is no maybe about it. I've got a fever and a runny nose. Lets not forget about the coughing and sneezing. This started two days ago. I sneezed once (FUCKING ONCE) and that was me done. The doctor said she's heard nothing but sneezing and coughing all day long. There's a fucking epidemic going around. So annoying.

Yesterday was a great day btw! I got to babysit J for hours and then we went to town for the whole day. It's weird because pre-baby, we would only have the energy and interest to shop for maybe 2 hours, and post-baby, we could've stayed in town the whole night. Unfortunately the shops closed around 8 pm, so we had no choice but to give up. There is still a few more things I didn't get, that I'd like to find before the holiday, but I think B is gonna help me with that next week.

I am so greatful for S. She really helped me find all the stuff I wanted and I managed to find clothes. I hate shopping, so it's not about not finding clothes, it's more like hating the looking process. I am so happy about the new clothes, and I might not have to shop for a long time. Long time = 10 days, since we're going on holiday and will do a lot of shopping! Can't wait..

I'm watching Survivor and listening to Emi purr on my chest. She seems to be happy about me being sick - I can stroke her for hours while she sleeps on top of me :)

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Thursday 20 September 2012

Here We Are..

..watching TV (me) and sleeping (J). S didn't have time to feed her before going off driving, but it's OK since J isn't hungry. She is asleep - just as I predicted. So now I'm watching Rules of Engagement on TV and sneezing like a bitch. I'm getting sick. Fuckedy fuck.

I am thankful for getting the Flu before we go on holiday, but obviously it would have been better not to get sick at all. Well there is nothing I can do about it. Drink tea and what? Stick my head in a towel over a steaming water bowl? I've never understood how people can do that.. It makes your face hot and nose runny. They say that's a good thing, but my nose is already runny, so what's the point?

J is waking up now so gotta run. She's awake! Fuck yeah! Unless she's hungry.. In that case, she'll just keep crying until she gets some breast from mummy. Yam.

Have a really nice (fucking shitty rainy, windy, cold) day!

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Wednesday 19 September 2012

Tomorrow's the Day!

I can't wait! Tomorrow I finally get J all to myself for many hours. I get to feed her and burp her and hold her and and and. I'm loving it!

I should be asleep right now. I need to wake up so fucking early. I don't think I'll ever get used to getting up really early - at least not until I have children and have to get up when they decide it's time. I think I might need a few EDs before being fully fuctioning.

The Voice started up again. They've got really good artists this year, and they also get to pick 16 people on their teams. I was watching it today, and realized something - there's a lot of big artists out there that haven't got good vocals, and here's a show that you can only be part of IF you have good vocals. Still only one person wins. I haven't checked what last years finalists and winner have done since the show, but I truly hope they get some of the action - instead of these fucking autotuned teenage hipsters. Don't get me wrong, some of them are really good, just not the majority.

I really need to get some sleep now. But I'm fucking sure about one thing - J is gonna sleep through the whole time I have her, and only wake up for her mummy, so I'll have plenty of time to update the blog. Perhaps with some pictures. Maybe.

Good night.

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Tuesday 18 September 2012

Work Hard Play Hard

I would like to think that the title of this post is true. But I think you might not agree. You see, today was a normal day for me. Busy in work - busy after work. But it wasn't drinking or going out with friends - it was a fun night in with I and B, watching What to Expect When Expecting. We had a laugh and that is the kind of night I really love. Thanks I for coming over for movie night again! So the title of this post - not true. Hahha. I do try to work hard, but I don't play particularly hard. Hmm.

I heard about something disgusting today! It sounds really bad for me to say so, because it's not nice to those affected by it. It's horrible and I would never wish it on anyone. Hopefully it gets sorted out soon and no one else gets affected.

Now I'm in bed, watching the first Fantastic Four movie on TV with B. I'm asking him questions about the characters - which he hates - but it's OK since he should be going asleep. I might have to get up early and drive him to work, it's still raining like a bitch. I don't want him to get wet and cold - and then get a cold. We're supposed to go to the new "summer house" this weekend, and I really want us to be healthy for our holiday.

Now it's time to put the phone on charge and get my own batteries charged - for another 'work hard play hard' day tomorrow. Good night.

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Monday 17 September 2012

One day too late... congratulate my Little Sister for her BDay. It was yesterday. And it was a Sunday, so I had all the time in the world to write something about her..

My Little Sister and I have always been close. I've never been closer to anyone. She knows all my secrets, understands all my weirdness and tolerates my every tantrum. We've been through thick and thin together, she's helped me through so much and I really couldn't do without her.

She is one of the strongest people I've ever met. She's been through something I don't think I ever could survive, and she still seems to always find the sunshine behind the clouds. She is beautiful inside and out. I couldn't even imagine a better Sister; someone who is always there for you, honest and loyal, and never turns their back on you.

She is a true inspiration - a mother, a sister, (one day) a wife - and I Love Her more than these words could ever mean. I Love You Little Sister!

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Friday 14 September 2012

Stupid People

I think it's disrespectful and truly annoying, when customers come into the shop when it's clearly not open. NEWS FLASH: 9.47 is NOT the same as 10. That is when we open the shop, and that is when customers are welcome. It's the fucking retards who come in before 10 and crawl under the half open door. Like COME ON. I would never ever do that. I don't have the nerve to walk in somewhere before they open, especially when it says; Opening Times 10AM fucking retards! Argh. I am literally so annoyed by these people, I might just throw someone out of the shop, if they're here before 10. Fuck you.

Enough ranting.

I was just about to ask S for something to do in work. It's been really slow this week - a lot of cleaning and doing everything and anything we can to pass the time - and because we've done so much every day, there is really nothing left to do. I'm literally reading the Cosmopolitan in work. I've checked Twitter like a million times. If I had asked S for something to do, she would've just told me to update the blog. So once again, I'm beating her to it.

It's too bad my Big Brother is out of town. It would have been nice to go around for a drink or just to wish him a happy BDay in person. But he'll be back this weekend maybe? At least I'm hoping he's back then, because the family is (probably) going to the new "summer house" for my Little Sisters BDay celebration (coffee and cake more than likely). It would be great if he could also be there.

I need to make a list. I know what you're thinking; "Need to make a list?" or maybe just "A list?", but now I literally have to make one. I only have the late afternoon to get everything we still need, so I need to plan how I'm gonna have time for everything. I need to buy a coat for Autumn, but not the kind you're thinking - the kind that is good for the wind and rain a.k.a England. Then there's the adapter and cable and Rucksack and blaablaablaa. Too many things but it's OK - S already promised to come with me. First we do her thing - ME BABYSITTING - and then we'll do my thing.

Now I'm going to go find out, if there is something (work-related) I could do, other than do nothing on the computer. It's getting a bit lame now. And I really don't feel like reading the Cosmo all day long. Obviously I do feel like doing nothing, surf the net, read twitter, read Cosmo etc but I'd rather do that at home, and do some actual work in work. Hopefully that Boss of mine, can find something for me to do.

It's raining, but have a nice day anyway.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Happy Birthday Big Brother

No, not Big Brother - TV program. My actual Big Brother became a year older (and wiser) today. I love him to death and he's been such an inspiration to me to be smarter and stronger in my own life (not making this about me, just saying) and I couldn't imagine life without him.

If my dear Brother is reading, hear this; I will never love any male as much as I love You. You are such a great Brother, protector and I couldn't do without Your support and guidance. You have pulled me out of the gutter (figure of speech; not a real gutter) so many times, taken all my bullshit, pulled me back to earth when I've floated away and You still love me. And I Love You. With all my heart.

Have an amazing Birthday Big Brother!

New Shoes

..I've got some new shoes on and suddenly everything's right.

I love my new shoes! They are the prettiest shoes EVER. Ok, maybe not the prettiest shoes I've ever seen, but in the top five of  the Love - list. I went in to buy the shoes S has, but they didn't have them in my size so I ended up getting the ones I got. I might still get the ones S has, but I have to first order them in my size, so I might just try them on first and see if I really want them. She's probably going to come see me today, so there's my chance. I found this picture online, but the ones I have, are black and not brown - still the same shoes.

I put them on straight away because (read: I love them so much) I wanted to try driving in heels. Not my thing. Not at all. It was so uncomfortable. I couldn't feel the pedals under my feet so I definitely wont be driving in heels. This is shit, because now if I want to wear them, and drive, I have to always keep another pair in the car to drive in. Fuckedy fuck. But I'll make do. I have to. I love these shoes so goddamn much.

I should definitely post pictures of all the shoes I've loved as much as these ones, that are now completely neglected in the bedroom wardrobe.. But that might make some people cry. Ok, it would make me cry. But these shoes are just like the ones I had to leave behind in England. I loved them more than any shoes I've ever had, and I wore them for so many years - cried like a baby when I threw them away.

Enough about shoes.

I was off work Friday and Monday, and I could've gone and get this thing done, but I didn't, and now I'm gonna have to do it during office hours - it needs to be done before the deadline on the 20th. I can't do it that day because I'm FINALLY BABYSITTING!!! I thought this would never happen. Ok - I knew it would happen some day - but it feels like forever, and now finally she's mine for the whole day! Fuck Yeah.

Can't fucking wait!!! Have an amazing day!

Wednesday 12 September 2012

You got me!

I have come to this conclusion - I suck at writing this blog.

I just don't get it how people come up with something interesting, or at least something new everyday and then find the time to blog about all these cool things. Maybe it's easier if you're writing about fashion ( - never sleeps) or decorating ( - always evolving). I just don't seem to find one thing to write about. Maybe if I had a baby, I'd have more to tell, since babies do something cool everyday. Hmm. Maybe not a sufficient enough reason to have a child.

S was not happy with me yesterday. I glimpsed at her phone at the very moment she was checking my blog, and asked her if it's annoying to see Sick maybe? every time she goes on it. She said yes. She also said - 'You said you were really bored in work and had no customers, so you totally could have updated your blog'. She was right. We are actually quite busy a lot of the time or I need to do real work, but I can totally find the time on my lunch break or just do it during the times it's slow. Argh. So annoying - why can't I ever stick to anything? Fucking hell.

Everybody's waiting for the iPhone to be presented to the world. Apparently that happens around 8 pm our time. That's awesome. I would never personally buy an iPhone but it'll be cool to see what it's like.

We are so excited! You wouldn't even believe how much we've waited for this up coming holiday. It's the first in 2 years for B. He is literally counting the days (probably the hours but too embarrassed to admit) and I'm just really excited. I miss traveling. We've planned some stuff, not a lot. Haven't bought everything we need. I know, still haven't bought everything. How lame. But there's still 18 days before we leave this beautiful country, so there'll be plenty of time.. Actually, I'm working like every day until the day we leave, so I don't really know when we'll have the time.. But I could use my lunch break for all that. Hmm.

I also found out that I can drive in England. Since 1998 they've made drivers licences that work all over Europe so I'm fine. Actually, I'm not drive in England. They drive on the wrong side, the roads are really narrow and there's a lot of buses. Shit. Fuckedy fuck. But I might be OK. Or at least not die. We'll see. There might not be any reason for me to drive there, since I can't even rent a car (I'm under 25) and not a lot of people we know, have a car.

S has these new shoes I'm dying to get. She even said it's OK if we have the same pair. It used to be a big problem when we lived in the same household, but now that we live so far away (far = 20km), there is no problem. And that is fucking amazing, coz I really want those shoes. I might get them today after work. No, I WILL get them today after work. In just 6,5 hours. Fuck yeah.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Sick maybe?

I don't know what's wrong with me. Nothing I eat, stays in. It was like that yesterday, and this morning I was carefully hopeful that maybe it was a glitch of some kind and would only last for a day - but no. There is definitely something wrong, and I'm not taking any chances - wont eat anything today. This sucks. And it's cold and rainy outside. Everything is shit today. No, not really - just feeling down I suppose.

Those pictures of the night stand and what not, were taken at night with my phone, which doesn't have flash (another reason for a new phone) and therefore quite dark. But at least you got pictures :)

I went to work after work yesterday. Today I'm going straight home after work, maybe eat something (depending on how I feel) and do some cleaning. Not really cleaning, but there's a few things that need putting away and also the big wardrobe is a mess. That really needs sorting out. For sure.

                                                This is not our closet, but you get the idea.

They say we're getting some sunshine and warmth this weekend, which is perfect since I'm off Friday, Saturday, Sunday and Monday. A long weekend. Hopefully our promises are fulfilled, and we get some nice weather. Might be the last of it before the oh so pretty snow - followed by ice and wind and cold and COLD. Fucking winter.

Photos As (kind of) Promised

1) Night stand
2) Jewelry box
3) Jewelry box
4) Writing pad?

I got home for about 9 as I thought I would. But then we ate and watched Hotel Hell (had to get me a fix of Gordon Ramsay) and I completely forgot about the pics. But it's alright. I just remembered - better late than never.

Good Night.

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Tuesday 4 September 2012

Plans are coming together.

I've got travel fever! It's been such a long time since I went abroad, that I really think it's time to go. The plans are definitely coming together. Travel Insurance - Check. Flights - Check. Train tickets - Check. Luggage - Still working on it. Obviously there are still a few things that need sorting out, but mostly it's all done. Still need to make a trip to the police station, and soon, but other than that DONE.

I couldn't post anything on Friday, because after working all day, we went bargain hunting. We got such good deals (even though we spent quite a lot) and got so much cool stuff we really needed or wanted. Then we got some beers, went to drop all the stuff off at home, went to get I and S and went home. Then we sat there for hours listening to music while the boys had a drink, while us girls tried our hardest to stay awake. 

Saturday I was in work. After work we went to Pietarsaari for dinner and then went back home to get wasted. We listened to music and danced a little bit. It was a great night! Although, I don't think I should drink tequila for a little while.. I did polish off nearly the whole bottle on my own, so that might have had something to do with how the night ended.. We'll do it all again this weekend. 

Sunday I was fucking hangover like you wouldn't believe. I was dying on the couch watching Iron Man 1 & 2 Plus Avengers with I and B. B made some food for us, since we were in a coma. I had a great movie day though.. We've had quite a few of those. Not always hangover if I might add.

Monday I was in work, and after work we went bargain hunting again. This time we went to two different places, and found some good deals and nice stuff. We got me a night stand and this Sony home theater or whatever it's called. We're still working on trying to get it to work but other than that, it's awesome. I actually have pictures of the night stand and this jewelry box B got me, but they are on my phone, which I cannot plug into our PC in work, and therefore cannot get the pictures. But I'll try my hardest to remember to put them on tonight when I get home. It'll be quite late since I'm going to go help B and wont be home until 9 or something.. But at least I'm not making promises I can't keep, I just told you I would try.

Now it's time to do some work again. You'll (maybe) see the pics later. Have a great Day!