Tuesday 29 January 2013

A Book A Month

I'm thinking about doing just that. The year 2013 will be the first year for reading at least one book a month. I'm saying 'at least' because depending on the book, I might read a few in a week.. But then again, I literally decided to do this yesterday - that gave me 4 days to read one book. No worries, I can totally read a book in that space of time - if it wasn't 1000 pages long.

I could have picked any book but I had already started reading this one on Sunday. I think I already mentioned how familiar it all sounded, like I had read the first chapter before.. Well now I've come to realize that I've actually read the first 11 chapters before. I can remember everything I've read so far but it's coming up to a point I'm not familiar with. I'm hoping I haven't read this whole book before but I doubt I have. There are no marks anywhere in the book - meaning I've only read to about 200 pages in one go and then left it.

I think I might have to read the end of this book next month but that's fine coz I still have weeks to read another book and I'm a very fast reader. I'll blog about the books I read. For now I'm thinking I'll just read the books I've bought and never read - the ones gathering dust on my bookshelf so it's a variety of different types of books I'll be reading :)

Talking about reading books.. S said she didn't have time to read the Fifty Shades of Grey books but when she finally picked one of them up and started reading - she was immediately hooked, just like the rest of us. I'm sure she is nearly finished with them now and will be anxiously waiting for the movie, just like me. The wait ia agonizing..

Have a good day!

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