Tuesday 15 January 2013


I had every intention of cleaning the big closet yesterday. Then I got home from work, had food and watched some of my programs and went to my mums to get a top fixed.. I got back home for about 10ish and really didn't feel like sorting out the pile of clothes seen in the above picture.
But to have been able to take that picture, I had to get into the closet and drag all of those items of clothing onto our bed. So we did clean out the closet. Finally. It's been a long time coming and something that desperately needed doing.
First we took out Bs clothes - seriously a tiny tiny amount compared to mine - and folded those nicely and put them back in the closet. It took like 3 trips to carry Bs clothes and something like 7 to carry mine. Holy shit. Anyway, the pile was taunting but it had to get sorted out and it did. We got all of my clothes back in the closet in record time - only coz B helped me fold. Thanks Boo.
All in all, we managed to fill a huge bag with trash and now we can actually step into the closet and not have to bend over backwards just to reach the shelves. Doing the closet took us about an hour and 15 minutes - not even close to how long B thought it would take. And there you have it - I am truly learning to keep the promises I make myself - because what is the point in keeping promises made to other people and not the ones made to yourself?
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