Tuesday 5 February 2013

No Longer Dropless January

The alcohol ban ended last week on Friday. I should have posted this then, but you know me - do the blog, ignore the blog, do the blog again.

So there I was, in the shop, picking four of my favourite ciders to drink on Friday. Got home, watched some programs, drank two of the ciders and went to bed. Getting drunk wasn't the idea and that's why I only got a few drinks in but I thought I'd at least get the four down. No longer used to alcohol or getting old?

Saturday I was in work, but only til 4. I went straight into Alko and the shop after I finished and then home for a little bit. I picked up I and H and then it was party on! I took it slow to start with but it didn't take long before I was drunk but happy drunk, not wasted out of my mind drunk. S and J came around and it was altogether a great night..

..until we decided to go into town and hit a few bars. It didn't take long for be to realize B was wasted, when he wasn't even supposed to drink and it was downhill from there. When I finally got him home, it had turned into a ridiculous spectacle. But after some showers, sugar, water and sleep - we managed to (somewhat) turn it around.

I ended up going to sleep at 7am and woke up at 11.30. This was not in my plan but that's when B got back from work and I wanted to get something to eat. Thank god I only drank water for all of those hours in the bar, so I wasn't feeling particulary hangover and was sober enough to drive, so no one had to walk to the shop.

We got home and B made chicken curry. We all thought we wanted a meal the size of a horse but in actuality we were only able to eat the amount a small bird would eat. But it tasted fantastic. S and J didn't stay late - they went to pick up J and went home - probably to sleep bit I doubt that was possible with J. I wanted to stay up until bedtime but I ended up falling asleep at around 6pm and only woke up at 8am the next morning.

Yesterday I worked, went to the shop, ate, gave E some reiki energy for her back, watched some programs, got a shower and went to bed. Nothing exciting. Just some quality time at home with my boo. Haha. Today will be no different.. I was supposed to work out a few times a week but last week (when I started) I only worked out once so I really got to pick it up. Today could be that day. No! Today will be that day :)

That's all for now. Have a nice day!

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