Friday 11 January 2013

Up and Running

I was so happy about my new super phone, doing the blog and photos etc. Then I found out this blog app I was using didn't work anymore. I didn't really think of taking my tab everywhere with me, you know just in case I felt like blogging since the app still worked on it but today I figured out that the app on the tab had changed it's name! So like a good girl I went on Google Play and downloaded the app again. Holy shit it's working! Halle-fucking-lujah.

So apparently 'how long is too long?' was way too long. It's been over a month again. Holy shit. Well I've got a lot new stuff to take photos of, since I now work at the most amazing shop ever! The stuff in here is so beautiful, I'm constantly worried I'll knock something over. Bull in a China Shop anyone? :) Yesterday was my first day and thankfully E was here with me, since ME = NERVOUS WRECK. But it was amazing and I was nervous for no reason what so ever. Because E was with me. All day. Today I'm all alone. No E. All day long. Holy shit.

I've been here 15 minutes and I'm totally freaking out. But I think I should really do some cleaning because that is really relaxing - not because I enjoy cleaning, but I'll have more to do and less time for freaking out.

But I couldn't be happier! And I think S might be a bit happier from now on - now that I can update the blog on my scifi phone :)

BTW! I giftwrapped the stuff in the picture. With Es help but still. I. Giftwrapped. Something. And. It. Looked. GOOD! Never thought that was possible.

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

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