Monday 14 January 2013

Mrs Lonely

I am so lonely. There is no one out today. I mean yeah there's a few people here and there, but mostly it's quiet and I'm dying for some human interaction.

My friend I said, she would stop by to introduce her boo but she's not been in yet and it's getting late. Hopefully she'll actually come, otherwise I don't think I'll ever meet this mystery man. I'll give her another 30min and then I'll phone her in panic, asking her where she is. She walks into town in about 15min so either he is really slow or she's been murdered. Meet my best friend at the moment - my imagination.

I so wish we had a hoover. I mean - it's fine to sweep the floor but it would be even better to hoover it. Also, there is quite a lot of dust everywhere.. hmm. Been sneezing all day long. So annoying. Lonely and annoyed.

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