Monday 28 January 2013

Early Morning Part 4

The car finally past the MOT and it's good for another year. I think we should totally buy a new one after the summer, when we don't need this one anymore. The amount of money that has been put into this car, would have bought us a new one three times over. At least. But it's done now - except for that minor problem that still needs fixing. Hopefully it wont become as huge a problem as this frickin' seatbelt shit.

I am having breakfast in town. Next to my workplace. Didn't see the point in going home when I start work in 30 minutes. I'll just sit here reading a book or something. Probably the book I've started reading like 3 times and never read past the first chapter. I know this because last night when I started reading it again, I remembered everything that happens in those pages. Hmm nice. But I am determined to finish it this time around.

We went shopping with S and J on Friday. I hate shopping but I didn't find it that bad on friday and I found shit loads of stuff! I went shopping for new tops to wear at work - you know pretty tops, so I can blend in with all the pretty stuff - and I found quite a few of those types of tops. I also found other stuff - equally useful :)

Now it's time to eat some toast. Breakfast toast at Arnolds - could this day start any better?

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