Tuesday 22 January 2013

Early Morning

The good thing about working 10- 18 is that you don't have to get up too early in the morning, and the bad thing is that when you one day do need to get up earlier than usual, you're not used to it and feel very tired. I am used to getting up at 8 - I like to sit around for an hour before I do anything and then slowly do my make up while watching programs. So today when the alarm went off at 6.30am, I felt a little pinch in my brain. But it's all good.

We had a meeting in work this morning and that is partly the reason I got up so early - the other reason was my desire to do that one good deed per day. I didn't want my friend to have to walk so far in the freezing winter morning, so I drove her to work and her job starts a little earlier than mine :) It was all good - I went for coffee and did my blog.

Now you might be wondering about that early morning blogging.. I did write quite a long post while having coffee (actually Battery - don't really care for coffee) but this piece of shit blogger app never published it. I've come to the conclusion that these free apps are great to use but not very trustworthy. That is quite mean - it normally always publishes, but then again it would be nice if it always published without a doubt..

I have decided not to dye my hair red. There's a few people who would really like me to dye my hair red again because apparantly it really suits me but it's just too much hard work. Also, if I ever get pregnant, I can't dye my hair for the duration of my pregnancy and it would look awful. Sorry guys ( especially E ).

Now it's back to work and hoping you have a wonderful day :)

Published with Blogger-droid v2.0.10

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