Wednesday 16 January 2013


No, this does not mean FollowFriday - it refers to our beloved FB. This billion dollar social media business is fucking with a lot of people and pissing them off, and now I am one of them. When they first introduced the concept of Timeline, I wasn't interested. Then they said everyone would be stuck with it eventually and I thought I'd beat them to the punch and just start using it. I have never had a problem with it - until now.

For some unknown reason, Facebook has decided not to show what I've posted for this year. Ok it's not a lot since the year only started but why did it work normal in December and not work at all in January? What happened? And it's weird because like my sister can see everything I post but not E or B. What the hell? FF= Fucktard Facebook.

Enough bullshit.

It felt good to be back in my original job today. I hadn't been there for a week while getting used to the new job. We cleaned up most of the day. I should have known it was gonna be cleaning day - when the only woman at the workplace leaves for a week, the men live in their own filth. But it was really nice to see the boys again :)

We're getting new stuff in on Friday. I'm excited to see what we're getting but also a little worried about the fact that I have to put the stuff on show and it has to look good. But I guess it's just common sense and also, if i get stuck, I can just look around and get inspired by all the other stuff. Just as long as it looks as good as the other shelves and tables, it'll be a homerun :)

Just think - only 15 dropless days left! We're half way there!

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