Thursday 24 January 2013

Early Morning Part 3

I'd like to say that getting up gets easier with the amount of mornings you do it, but it really doesn't. Or maybe it does but there would have to be less waiting around and more to do. I've got one more thing this morning and then it's back home to play with J :)

I went to the dentist yesterday. I didn't know what they were going to do and I was expecting what ever they did to hurt like hell but it didn't hurt at all. Not until the numbness went away and I thought my head was going to explode. I don't know why - maybe coz they cut a piece of my gum out or because I haven't had that much done to my mouth - but I felt really weird and sick to my stomach. I had to give in and leave work early.

So yesterday was a complete bust. I did nothing but lazy out on the couch eating painkillers, while B cleaned the house. Today will be a little different. I won't push myself but I'll do more today. I at least have to go to the tax office and into town to take my tax card into work. I was going to MOT the car again but there is still something wrong with it. The indicators still stopped working.

I listen to music through my ipod in the car, and that stopped working. Then I went to turn and the indicator didn't work. Well then I stopped at the shop and phoned J and he said to go over and take their car so he can have a look at mine and because I turned the player off completely during the phonecall, and didn't turn it back on - the indicators started working again. I have no idea what's wrong with the car. It's very frustrating. Hopefully we can fix it before I MOT it tomorrow. Shit.

Well it's time for my appointment now. Have a nice day :)

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