Monday 14 January 2013

Winning Feels Good.

I completely forgot about this competition we had in work between 3 shops, and now I've learnt that I won! So subconsciously I must not have forgotten, why else would I have made such a huge improvement that secured me the prize? I am as happy as I could be :) How wonderful - winning really feels good!

I don't know yet what I'm getting for being so good but it'll be something good, I can just feel it.

I'm surrounded by beautiful things once again. All day today and all day tomorrow I get to gaze upon all the pretty things. I wish I had a new built house that had nothing in it and I got to fill it with stuff on an unlimited budget. Holy shit that would be nice :) Just something to fantasize over while doing a bit of cleaning.

I think we're getting the car sorted as well. It's getting fixed just in time for the MOT and when it passes, we can drive it for another year. Wonderful! I am in a happy mood today and I shall take that mood with me home and clean out that goddamn closet.

Also, I wish we had a hoover in work.

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