Friday 9 March 2012

Sickedy Sick.

That is what I am. That is what I've been, for the past few days. And now, after 20 000 tissues, elevated CRP levels and a Rudolph nose, I'm no better. Ok, I'm a little better. I've got rid of the fever (it just went away, I didn't make it) and my nose isn't as runny, but my cough is the same. It's bullshit. Couldn't go to work on Wednesday, or Thursday and even though I was set on going in today, that didn't happen. The Flu completely disagreed with me and my plans and that makes this virus an asshole. I'm staying in bed tomorrow, again, and hoping this virus moves on to someone else.

Because of the virus, I haven't really done anything. I went to the doctor twice and she told me not to go to work and rest. Apparantly, the only thing that seems to get rid of the flu, is loads of rest, which basically means - do fuck all and wait until you're flu-free. Seems pretty simple.

There is really nothing more to blog about. I have not done anything worth mentioning. All I do all day, is die on the couch while watching comedy. Now I'm going to down the amazingly large amount of cough medicine I'm allowed to have 3 times a day.. Wait for it... 4 milliliters. How am I ever going to be able to drink it all?! Have to try. And then sleep.. That might be more of a challenge.

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  1. "..and hoping this virus moves on to someone else." Fukk juuuu! Koko aamun nyt ollu kauheen kipee kurkku ja nenä ihan tukossa.. en tiiä onko kuumetta ku ei oo toimivaa kuumemittaria :(

  2. No voihan räkä! Tuo sais ohittaa minut kun oon sairastellu jo oman osuuteni.......
    Kurjaa olla kipeenä <3
