Thursday 15 March 2012

Big Questions.

Today is a day of Big Questions. My head is full of (stupid, I admit) questions like, why are vampires more flammable than humans? In every vampire program or book, they always make that point clear; vampires can catch on fire more easily than humans.. Ok, in Vampire Diaries, it's not like that. They roam around fire every now and then without a care in the world, which pulls the carpet right from underneath my point. But, in True Blood and Twilight, vampires avoid fire. And as I'm writing this; I've come to realize, that I haven't really explored other vampire stories, just these three. Should start reading more books; books that I'm not familiar with. The other Questions are way less sane.. Could there really be zombies? I understand how insane that sounds (sorry about that) and I think I've wrote something about it before, but I'm yet to find an answer. There are other Questions on my mind right now, but after revealing these two, I don't think you could handle the rest.

I am one unhappy gal today. Something incredible has happened. It is snowing. Why!? You, who are smarter than me, tell me why this has to happen? A lot of the snow had melted and gone away for good, (until next Winter, hardly for good) and now it's coming back?! I mean, COME ON! Where is the sunshine? Actually, fuck the sun(!), where is the rain? That would wash away the remains and reminders of Winter. Tough luck.

We need someone to replace A for the summer. We had a meeting in work yesterday, after the day was finished, and J said we need someone to start as soon as possible. So now we're hoping they'd find someone to start next month. Actually, J said he's hoping for someone to come in next week.. I'm just not sure they'll find someone that quick.. Even though I've got someone in mind, Perfect for the job, they have to go through the process of interviews and what-not. We'll see what happens. 

It doesn't seem like it's going to be a busy day. I might be wrong. And here's to hoping!

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