Tuesday 13 March 2012

Goodbye True Blood

I've read the last page, of the last book of the True Blood series. It ended like any of the other books.. Like, the story was going to continue in the next book. But there is no next book. So now I've got to use my imagination, and decide for myself, how the story ends. Bullshit. In a way I love it, not getting the '..and they lived happily ever after.' - line, but I don't know how I feel about not getting any sort of closure. Too bad. I really enjoyed reading the 9 books and I only wish I would've stretched out the reading a little longer.

I am nearly fully recovered. I still have a cough, but I'm basically all better. I'm going back to work tomorrow, finally! The doctor said to drink loads and loads of water, and that'll get rid of the cough, eventually. Good enough for me.

I burned my hand yesterday. An actual burn. I've only ever really burned a finger at one time, never more surface than that. But now, I have burns on all of the fingers in my left hand. I also have two very unattractive blisters; one on my thumb and another on my index finger. Yack. But B assured me, they will dry out or fade away in a couple of days. Thank fuck for that.

My diet went down the toilet for the most part, last week and a little the week before. But I'm back on track. And since I'm well enough to work tomorrow, I'm well enough to exercise. I haven't done any exercise for like two weeks? Shit. I have to really step it up and get back on track. I had to cancel my piano lesson today, coz I really don't think playing the piano would feel that nice, with a burned hand. And, I need to come up with some way of holding the dumbbells.. I'm sure it'll be fine.

Gonna go watch a movie with B. But before that - Miisu has nearly gone off heat but she is still sticking her bum up. She is very tired now, and I think it'll be back to normal in a day or two. Maybe tomorrow we'll wake up to find her normal again. I took some pictures with the new camera. I even put the pictures on the PC. But then I realized, I do most of the blogging on my phone.. So I either put them in the Cloud, or put them on my phone, or start blogging on the PC instead of the phone. The jury is still out on that one.

Ps. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. I like that quote. And not just because it gives me an excuse for my pathetic need to plan everything.

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