Sunday 4 March 2012

Pictures Reveal the Truth

The other day I noticed the progress I've made during this diet. A top I love to wear, is now too loose to wear without a belt. It's amazing to know something is happening and that it's not blood, sweat and tears for no reason at all.

This week the dieting.. Not too impressed with myself. I think Monday was the only day, I actually ate stuff that was good for me. All the other days I ate at least on thing that wasn't exactly a part of my diet or drank alcohol. Actually, on Friday I ate half a Subway and nothing else, so even though the calorie count is higher for that one meal, that I'd prefer, it still isn't bad. Tomorrow - Full On Diet. Again.

B realized the Truth with pictures. I think it's time for some action. Take control of your life. Fuck yeah.

I was pretty drunk last night. But it was a really good night. We started the night at our house, then slowly (too slowly if you ask me) left for the bar and after that, people just did whatever and then we all went dancing. It's still early in their stay in Finland, so I understand, but I can't stop myself from being annoyed with some of the foreigners. It feels like Spain all over again.. When they say 'let's leave now' - it actually means 'let's leave in two hours'. This is not me being mean, this is me being me.

Went to take a few pictures with the new camera. They're on the memory card, inside the camera, which is inside the camera bag, which is in the bedroom too far away. I will have to put them on some other day :) Maybe even tomorrow. Just promise you won't laugh.

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  1. Upea uusi ulkonäkö blogillasi!

  2. Mamma luuli et olit muokannu ton kuvan teiän miisusta :d
