Friday 2 March 2012

Dieting on my BDay.

I'll admit, I didn't follow the rules of my diet to the point, but I actually only ate a few bad things and didn't even drink that much. I didn't eat any sugary stuff.. Only greasy, fatty YAMMY things my mum had made.. But I didn't eat crisps or candy or anything. So not too bad then. The following day I ate at pedrinas. But I ate nothing but that pedrinas food all day. So even if it was a million calories, I didn't stuff my face with anything truly bad for you. I still count those two days as cheat days, and I really think it's good for you in the long run, to have cheat days every now and then.

For a moment there, I thought all the snow would come back, but it's not. I hope.

I didn't take one picture yesterday. This isn't going as I planned. I was going to take some photos this morning, but the weather wasn't favorable, also the cat kept us awake half of the night. We went to my mums yesterday, and brought Miisu with us, and when we were leaving, she was fast asleep on the couch and really didn't want to get up. So we thought 'if we leave her at my mums, she'll cry all night' but no. She came home with us, and cried all night. What a Bitch.

Today I'll be catching up on my programs. I'm way ahead on my reading so it's time to sit down and stare at the TV for a few hours. Not too productive but entertaining.

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