Friday 16 March 2012


I had a customer, of the older generation, today. She had just made binding contracts with another company. So from the get-go I knew, she wasn't going to make any new contracts with me.. She said she couldn't make the Internet Stick work, and that she had been to the Shop where they gave her the stick, but they had refused to help her. We've heard these kind of stories before, and they usually always happen at this same shop. I didn't have any other customers at that moment, so I decided I'd help her. It took something like 40 minutes all together, to get her computer and the Stick working, but in the end it worked fine. She was so happy with me and the service (since I was doing the other companys job helping her) that she wanted to give me money. Well that service didn't cost anything, so I turned down the offer. But she insisted on it, and at the end of it all, I was stood here with a 20 euro bill in my hand. It's nice to know people appreciate you or/and the work you do, even if it doesn't seem like much. Thank You.

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