Saturday 11 February 2012


Didn't do my stepper exercise today. I thought about it long and hard, and decided to use today as my day off, since tomorrow I'm gonna carry boxes and furniture down like four flights of stairs.. And then obviously carry everything up some stairs into the new place.. No, not our new place but S and Js. It's absolutely gorgeous! Saw it for the first time today.

I've got to be careful not to turn this into some kind of diet and exercise blog, which it most certainly is not, and talk about something else for a change.

It was an OK day in work. A constant flow of people made the day interesting and I got so much closer to my goals, which is good coz I'm not working that much this month. Will have more time to concentrate on the blog? Perhaps put some more pictures on? That reminds me.. Can't wait til my birthday! Best gift ever! Obviously I don't have it in my posession yet, but it's only a matter of days now really :)

Started reading the fifth True Blood book. I'm still amazed at how different the series is to the book.. Like Jason really does change into a panther?! Even though in the program he doesn't?!? What is happening?

Will let you know how the moving went down tomorrow, if I'm still standing at the end of the day :)

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