Sunday 12 February 2012

Shitty Day

Today didn't play out quite as I'd planned. It's been wrong straight from the get-go and it doesn't seem to get any better. First of all, it snowed last night. Like heavy snow fall.. And of course nothing was plowed, and we had to once again walk through snow piles that were up to our ancles or maybe even higher. That part is not even the most annoying part. But enough of that.

The day continued but like I said, nothing got better.

Now I'm sat here thinking, "what the hell happened today?". I'm like.. I don't even understand it. It's surreal coz I can't remember something like this ever happening before.. Or maybe it's been such a long time since last time, that it's no longer fresh in my memory. Trust me, this will be. It's so out of the blue, that I really can't wrap my head around it and because of that, all I can do is be upset. I'm dumbfounded over what's happened and at this point, all I know is that my feelings are hurt.

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1 comment:

  1. Tusen hjärtor <3 och kramar <3 från Emma, vad det än är! Ta kissi i famne o kram om den hårt så blir du kanske gladare, eller så kan du prova me Brian ;) PUSS! <3
