Thursday 9 February 2012

Middle Ages.

This is what it must have felt like. We have running water and don't need to heat up the house with logs of wood, but we have no electricity. And also, I have no life. As soon as the lecci turned off, I ran around for a few minutes doing the 'what's-going-on' - routine, and after that... Straight on the blog to tell you all about it. Hmph.

Our trusty maintenance guy had this perfectly good advise for us - go to bed. Obviously it makes sense, since there is nothing we can do to hurry up the lecci company, but I was at the end of the 4th True Blood book, and I was really hoping to finish it before going to bed.. Oh and it's not even half past ten.. So quite early for bed at the age of 22.

Diet is still rocking on. Had to pretend I didn't have a nose while I walked past the grill on my way home from work, and only slowly inhale through my mouth, but other than that it's all good. Today was my off day.. Meaning - No Exercise. Really living it up aren't I? Sat in a pitch black room, drumming my phone..

I just learned that there are a few other places with no electricity.. Quite a few actually. So does that mean it will take less time for the lecci Co to fix it? or longer? Don't have much experience with losing power. Oh dear, I just realized how lost I would be right now, if the battery on my phone was dead.. Holy crap.

----------> Going to bed(?) or sit here in silence(?)

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