Monday 6 February 2012

To Plow or Not to Plow?

That is seriously the question of the day. It's been snowing a lot and it still is.. Some snow came down yesterday, but I thought nothing of it, but now there's a lot more of the cold and wet shit people usually refer to as snow and it's still there.. Nothing has been done to remove it, and now it's seriously pissing me off. I don't want to walk through an ocean of snow on my way to the car. There is someone who is supposed to get rid of it for me, so that I never have to get my feet wet, walking the 4 metres to the car, but I think this someone is not doing their job that well..

If you live in a huge flat and only pay a fraction of the rent, in return for cutting the grass in the summer, plowing the snow in the winter and keeping the hallways clean, one would expect you to do all that.. But this is not the case. I'm as annoyed as ever to be witnessing this shitty behaviour. The lights in the hallway have been out for weeks now, and are they getting new light bulbs put in? No. The snow is piling up outside to the point that I have to plow it myself, and are they even thinking about plowing? No. The hallways haven't been cleaned for god knows how long.. This is ridiculous. I can't wait until the neighbours take over. At least then I wont lose any sleep thinking about wether or not I'm gonna be able to get out of the parking spot.


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