Sunday 19 February 2012


That is what we're going on next Wednesday. It's gonna be cool in the literal sense, to drive all the way to Vaasa with the windows open. Well at least we get to go. B is really excited, and so am I. It's probably not going to be as pretty (the scenery I mean) as in this picture, but hopefully it won't snow either.

It is snowing like crazy now. It's awful to drive in this blizzard, especially with it also snowing inside the car.

I reached my goals in work. Fucking awesome :) I'm off til next month now. Gonna have some time to catch up on my reading and programs and piano etc. While on the subject, I'm nearly finished with the current True Blood book. I think it's either the fifth or the sixth one.. I'm going through them like they're going out of fashion. Have to get the Vampire Diaries books before I finish the True Blood series, to have something else to read straight after I finish..

I could say, I haven't had time to blog but that would be half of a lie. I have had time but the time has been spent reading or doing something else "useful". Will try and be better with the blogging from now on.

Quick update: still going strong with the diet and exercise. Even without the support from my family, I've found that I can do this all on my own. But without the constant cheering on from the lovely E and my babe B, it would definitely be harder. Thank you <3

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