Sunday 5 February 2012

Piece of advice..

If you have recently started a diet, do not under any circumstances, go out drinking! You will enjoy a few drinks and have a great time, but you will regret it later when you're kissing your toilet. I had all of six or seven ciders last night and came home to be sick for an hour and be up most of the night feeling fucking awful. I'm not getting a hangover. That would just be ridiculous and I've suffered enough...

I got a few hours of sleep but woke up at 3am and haven't been to bed since. I'm absolutely exhausted. I'm also not going to drink again until I'm on the better side of this diet, meaning; when I start eating "real" food again, like potatoes, rice, pasta and meat.

I'm thinking about going out on a morning walk but I'm assuming it's like minus a hundred and I'd rather not die on top of all I've been through last night. I'll just continue watching The Voice until babe wakes up.

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