Tuesday 7 February 2012

Thank you

No more snow. Actually, there is snow but not on my path from the front door to the car. They decided to do the plowing this morning. Thank You.

Just had a nice bowl of fruit. Banana, grapes, clementine and apple. All that has a lot of natural sugars but that's ok. Not going to sweat over every little thing.. Especially after my workout. 20 minutes on the stepper sweating my ass off. 1400 steps and 196 calories gone with the sweat. Next time I'll do 1500 steps in the same frame of time, which will make me work even harder :) After skipping the exercise on sunday, I did every type of exercise I know yesterday, and now my muscles are telling me to... Do some more exercise, YES Please! Don't think so.

Started writing a list of stuff we need to get sorted out or want to buy or whatever. It's getting longer everyday, but today I got a few things sorted and now there is room for new stuff. There is always room for new stuff :)

Watching Saturday Night Live. We're both off tomorrow and I think we might do some fantasy shopping and add a few things on the list..

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