Sunday 5 February 2012

Let it fucking snow

How is it physically possible for snow to fall down when it's this cold outside?! I was amazed when I walked out of the cinema and saw the blanket of snow, covering the car.. I thought; the land will freeze and no more snow will come. I was wrong.

Watched Mission Impossible. It came as a complete surprise to me, that Samuli Edelmann had such a big role in it. With 'big role' I of course mean, that he was in it for more than 5 minutes, which was the amount of time I'd expected him to shine. He did a great job and did us Finns proud. Playing the part of the next biggest baddie and not the baddest baddie, he still managed to kill 100% more guys than the biggest baddie. I really enjoyed this film and gladly recommend it to everyone, especially those who enjoy their action with a bit of humour :) Those of you, who haven't seen this particular movie, must think I'm crazy for saying that, a mission to stop a swedish guy trying to provoke a nuclear war, was somehow funny, but it really was.

Don't really know what the neighbours are up to or if they're up for watching a movie or something, so while I wait for them to respond to my message, I'll read a few pages of the fourth book of the True Blood Series, while enjoying a healthy bowl of fruit.

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